Frozen shoulder 1 year after finishing treatment

my treatment for breast cancer finished Dec 2015 after 6 lots of chemo, 3weeks radiotherapy and 1 week booster radiotherapy. I did my shoulder exercises for around 4 months after my all clear, no one said how long I should do them and as I had full movement I gradually stopped.  Late 2016 I was experiencing shoulder pain and mentioned it at my check up Jan 2017. I was told to see my GP if it got worse. It did, and now 8 months later, after x rays, ultrasound and MRI scan-no cancer signs - months of physiotherapy, and massage , I was referred for a steroid injection a week ago, mainly because of lack of sleep at night from the pain. The doctor who gave me the injection went on to tell me it is common in cancer survivors after radiotherapy, a well known problem in fact. I will be continuing with physio, and then maybe manipulation under anaesthetic at a later date.

why am I only just finding out it is a recognised problem, why no advice on prevention, if I had to have radiotherapy today I would be unable to get my arm into the position I used to do. 

I wonder what other problems are still to come that could be prevented if forewarned?



  • Hello Snowdrops,

    I'm sorry to hear that after having gone through cancer you are now experiencing pain and had to be referred for a steroid injection, but I'm glad to hear that the scans showed no signs of cancer.

    As for the topic you raised, I think many of our members will understand your frustration and I hope some of them will come along soon to chat with you.

    If you ever feel like speaking to someone medically trained on the phone might help, our cancer nurses are a phone call away on this number: 0808 800 4040 and their line is open Monday - Friday, between 9 a.m - 5 p.m.

    I hope you feel better soon, Snowdrops.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi snowdrops, I too suffered with a frozen shoulder after my surgery, had lots of physio which helped a little but eventually was referred for a procedure called ' hydro- dilatation ' this is a simple procedure , where saline is injected into the shoulder joint . Gosh it was amazing the day after I could fully extend my arm up against a wall. Not had any problems since then. Best of luck x
  • Thank you, I start my physio again next week and I will mention this.