Frightened about mum


Just stumbled across here whilst researching about my mum. I'm 30 and very close to my mum who is in her 60's. She has recently been diagnosed with a muscle invasive bladder cancer and due to undergo chemotherapy and bladder removal. She's just had a a scan and I rang her nurse yesterday to see if results had been received (he has permission to share info with me). He told me that a nodule on her lung has grown by 3mm since last scan in June and could be metastatic. I haven't been able to tell my mum. She's due to start chemo and don't want her to have the added worry or stress. Plus I'm in no position to answer questions she will surely have. I feel so awful keeping it from her though. Feeling so frightened that the cancer has spread and we are going to go from stage 2 to stage 4. All the way through I've tried to be positive, but at every turn all's we get is bad news



    Hi Sparkling,

    I see that this is your first visit to Cancer Chat and I would like to welcome you to the forum. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. Does she want you to be the one with all the information, whilst she fights her battle with cancer? Some people like to know everything there is to know, whilst others don't want to know and are happy for a loved and trusted faily member to bear the onus of their prognosis instead.

    I lost my Mum to metastases from breast cancer after 12 years. She eventually developed tumours in liver, lungs, bone and brain, and it was heart-breaking to watch. Do you attend all of her appointments with her? This can be helpful. You can also draaw up a list of questions to ask her consultant at her next appointment. This way you are not so likely to forget to ask an important question.

    It is easier to deal with cancer when you have a positive attitude, but it is difficult to stay positive when things just keep getting worse. I sincerely hope that when your Mum starts chemo, this will begin to slow down the rate of growth.

    Do your best to stay strong.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how she gets on.

    There is always someone here whenever either of you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx