Found out mom's not well

Hi, feeling very lonely found out on the 9th Nov my dad had terminal cancer we only got another 4 Weeks with him. This week we have found out mom's got osepghas cancer just waiting on ct scan to see how far it's gone  not sure how we are going to cope

  • Found out my mum's not well either Hi Baggiebabe I'm really sorry to hear about your dad that's awful. That's really unfortunate about your mum hope they've caught it early and are able to treat it quickly. We just found out on wed that my mum has Non-hodgkins Lymphoma we don't know what stage it's at as yet l still can't believe it came as a total shock just hope it's in its early stages and hasn't spread. Don't lose hope though, be strong for your mum
  • Thank you fingers crossed for your mom, trying to stay strong but with mom , family and work I don't think I'm going to be able to struggleing now and can't afford togive up work x

  • Moms had her scan we find out next week how far adavanced it is,we are keeping fingers crossed they have caught it early  x

  • Found out Friday mom's cancer has spread, can't say how long she's got but they are going to give her chemo to hopefully stop it spreading x

  • Hi Baggiebabe, 

    I'm sorry to hear that your mum's cancer has spread. Do you know where it has spread to? I hope it hasn't gone too far and that the chemo stops it going any further.

    Do let us know how she gets on.

    All the best, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • hi Baggiebabe, we found out last week mum had ovarian cancer and the CT showed it in her liver and abdomen. We hoped it was just on and not in her liver but she phoned to says it's stage 4 and in her liver I'm devastated, and so is my brother and dad. My dad aged 10 years. She's only 69. Each day I wake up thinking I'm still in a nightmare. We are incredibly close as a family and I just can't deal with my feelings. I know I will be OK and have a loving husband and children. But the pain and fear on my mums face and the desolation on my dad's are killing me. Just can't process is. I go from being fine to being a crying wreck in a matter of minutes. I'm here if you need a friend

  • Hi im so sorry to hear what you are going through, you must be so scared and having so many emotions going on but try to spend your time with your mum, talking about your memories, telling her secrets taking photos and be there as you sadly know time is precious.

    I lost my mum on the 10th February and she was only diagnosed on the 7th, we knew nothing was even wrong and then from that day we thought we had 4-6weeks which at the time seemed like nothing, but now seems like a lifetime!

    Make every second Cound and stay strong!

    Zoe x

  • Hi it's spread to lungs and liver she due to start chemo on the 26th march x

  • So sorry to hear your news, I'm the same has you fine one min then the next very emotional, mom starts chemo on the 27th to try and stop it spreading x

  • Hello 

    So sorry about everyones situation - just want to wish you all the best.

    I have a 74yr mother not been in great health over the years, but been worried about her recently

    she has lost A tremendous amount of weight after her hip opp, and now she's got an aching pain in her left side of her body, not sure how bad it gets as she's not complaining to much about this, i tried taking her to see the

    Doctor but she refuses to go?