Found lump anus

Hi I have bern bleeding about 2 years Had a proctogram done I have a large rectocele  bulge !!been referred for colonoscopy  waiting on appt 7 months I have now found hard lump at anus  also going to get cyst and leakage in breast checked  next week . I am worried now .

  • Hi and thank for posting

    The symptoms in your breast won't necessarily be connected to the lump in your anus and without further  tests no one will be able to say it might be. It's easy to think of worse case scenarios but there can be explanations other than cancer.

    Hold your nerve for now and try and not think too far ahead -  go through your concerns about all your symptoms with the GP next week. It might be worth checking with the appointments desk at your hospital as to when you might expect your appointment. You can also ask the GP if they can chase this up.

    I hope you get seen soon

    All the best


  • Thankyou the consultant phoned back going to see me in clinic on Tuesday  Thankfully I will hopefully know before Xmas.