Follicular lymphoma

First diagnosed end of 2013 undergoing my 3rd course of chemo. Stem cells were harvested September last year ready for transplant, which has been put on hold while i have more treatment.

Anyone else in a similar position.



  • Hi Jan and welcome to the forum.

    I know you're looking to connect with others so I'd like to introduce you to [@EmilyS]‍ , [@Wolfhound]‍ and [@CF1]‍ as they have also had the diagnosis of follicular lymphoma. They are at different stages on their journeys but it's always nice being able to chat to others who are in a similar position to yourself and now that I've tagged them in this post I'm sure they will pop by when they can to say hello and share their experiences with you.

    Good luck with your 3rd course of chemo Jan, we'll be thinking of you.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator 

  • Thank you so much for the tag Steph.

    Hi [@Jan90]‍ 

    I have FL which transformed into high grade NHL sometime in 2017 - we're not sure when of course, but my PET scan lit up like a Christmas tree in December 2017 - much to everybody's surprise and my shock!

    Anyway, I've been having R-CHOP chemo since 18 December and am now (theoretically) 2 weeks away from my 6th and final cycle. Of course, there's always that nagging doubt about what happens if the PET scan still shows active cancer - but I guess I address that if/when it happens. 

    I didn't have any stem cells harvested as it wasn't in my bone marrow. However, I've read a bit about how this can enhance treatment for FL and transfromed NHL too. How many rounds of chemo are you having?

    Emily x