
On 4th October I had my first routine mammogram after reaching my 50th Birthday. I went, had it done, left and thought no more about it. On 12th October I received a letter to go for a further assessment. I went for that assessment today and was floored when shown my mammogram by the Doctor. There was a very clear, very large white blob on my X-ray. I had a scan and the mass was measured at 62mm, 2 deep tissue samples taken and a tissue marker inserted. The doctor told me that she was certain I have a cancer in my breast. I know have to wait until 23rd for confirmation and my appointment to see a surgeon on the 25th. How can the Doctor be sure before my sample has been sent to pathology. I just can't get my head around it all 

  • HI Jewelie

    Sorry that you find yourself here. they see hundreds of these images every year and can tell by certain characteristics. There's always the chance that they are wrong, hence the biopsies to make 100% sure. 

    I know I was shocked when I was diagnosed, first mammogram, no lumps, last thing I expected. Its been a long journey but I have come out the other end relatively unscathed (I think). Do come back and let us know how the result went. x