First chemotherapy and radiation session

Hi there quick update yesterday was the big step,to recovery 14 hour day but first chemotherapy session done was ok nice ward fantastic caring staff and lunch was ok so bonus points all way round ! 

Free wi fi perfectly ok for browsing , I had downloaded a few tv programmes and took wireless headphone so was quite chilling. I sent hubby home as his boredom threshold is low with instructions to clean the kitchen units. Bonus points again. He came back for the radiotherapy session. Which although I still had drip in went well 20 mins from start to finish most if that wasn’t lining up the bed and mask actual targetingbtiem probabkyn8 mins . Side affects felt sick atb0200 a sickness tablet that was prescribed for eventualities went back to bed sat up for 10mins and away it went.this morning one hour there 15 mins on table one hour back so home for 10took itbsteady had a nap and watched Tour de France .

so count down 1/3 chemotherapy done


2/35 radiotherapy sessions so it’s onward and upward from here , fully understand that I won’t always feel  this good but the slope when I’ve hit the bottom. Can only go forward from there and upwards from there. The radiation is VMAT which is a targeted therapy and consultant hoping that my left side of throat will only have minimal,damage with right side have concentrated butbtime will tel. If I need the feeding tube so be it


good. Luck to everyone out there and will keep,in touch 

  • Loving your attitude.. Allthe best going forward with your treatment.. I myself start next week on chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer have read. All the positives and negatives of this and side effects.. Take care 

  • Hi good luck everyone at the hospital comments positivity beats negativity. I find if I am prepared I handle stuff much better. Have stuck to the recognised sites and steer away from dr google ignire statistics as my oncologist says they are mostly 4/5 years out of date ie 2008-2013patients and look how things progress in the cyber world most if us in that period wasn’t walking round with phones capable of powering apollo 13 niwdats we conquer the world. My radiation is VMAT and Iitvtargets the cancer and leaves as much surrounding tissue as it can can even feel the lymoh nide thatbbrought all this time my attention receding so fingers x that the tumour mour in tonsil is going fast  !,,,  am nitbstupid and know the worst us yetbto come but now the event I hate the word journey I was a travel agent and journeys mean nice things ie holiday beach !!!!!!so I call it my event. I have personalised everyingbthe drip is gormless co it’s a drip ! My face mask think Spiderman with attitude is Venezia name I’d Venice where mask balls are held and it’s going to be thrown into the grand canal. And the machine is called. Matey coz it’s doing a good job. 

    Good luck with this  we will beat this 


    ps Hazel aka as Radioactiev Raz