First chemo ongoing headache a week on


i started EC chemo a week ago and had a headache almost immediately afterwards which is still going on. I am drinking plenty of fluids and taking paracetamol but it's not shifting and is starting to really affect my mood. Can anyone suggest anything to help please. I've been told not to take ibruprofen. Thanks 

  • Hi, sorry about the headache. Please call your oncology nurse and he/she may be able to prescribe something stronger. You don't need to go on suffering, not with everything else you're dealing with. If you have any cocodamol/codeine in the house, you could try that (you'd probably need to check with the 24-hour emergency line first). Hope it gets sorted soon for you. How are you finding EC apart from that? Are you having any other side effects?

  • Hi Amy

    thanks so much for replying. I didn't know if ringing the hotline for this was acceptable as it's always busy. I am having a lot of fatigue and general achiness but otherwise feel I have escaped lightly so far. I had a port fitted which was pretty sore at first but is settling now. I hope you are doing ok?

    thanks rebeljue

  • You can call the hotline, I'm sure. I was in a bit of pain one night and had taken as many paracetamol as I could, so I called 111 to ask if I could take Ibuprofen. I only wanted advice but they insisted on sending an ambulance out at 4am! I think it was because I'd answered yes to muscle pain. The paramedics gave me codeine and suggested I get a prescription for some, but I just got some from the pharmacy, which is not as strong as the prescription dose. It worked a treat. The next day when I was having my PICC line dressed, the nurse said I should have called the hotline - they could have advised me as they have access to my records. I've just finished 7 rounds of EC-T and waiting for surgery. EC was a breeze mostly. Docetaxel was a bit tougher but manageable. Is this the same regimen you'll be having?

  • Hi Rebeljue, just wondering if you managed to resolve your headache? x