First chemo done

hi first time posting on here. First chemo yesterday, feeling fine. Is this normal? Had a lazy day and just home from a short walk. My brain is telling me o should be ill. Anyone else feel like this? 

  • Hi positvegal I'm afraid you don't feel ill till later it takes so long to get into your system sometimes days so sorry, welcome to the forum the club nobody wants to join, good luck. 


  • Thanks for replying, thot it was too good to be true. 

  • Are you still feeling OK well done if you are,..... Billy 

  • hey

    I have my chemo on a Tuesday and start to feel tired on the Thursday but I put this down to the injections I have to take. My taste buds go weird and I get heartburn. I then pick up again by the following Tuesday. I’ve had 4 of 6 rounds, the fourth round I had a bit more joint pain and it took me a few extra days to pick up. I’ve gotc round 5 on Tuesday coming. 

    How are you feeling today?


  • Hi, have you been given steriods to take for 5 days?


  • My family member was the same did fantastic the whole way through chemo, just a little more tired on the odd occasion but other than that absolutley no side effects.

    Well done you keep your spirits up and you will sail through it x

  • Hi Positivegal, like you I had my first chemo 3 days ago and felt fine, I have been up half the night with bad pain in both knees and wondering if it could be the chemo (paclitaxel) I do hope you will be fine, scary place to be not knowing what's ahead, all we can do is take one day at a time, I am on weekly chemo for 6 months how about you and how are you dealing with the possibility of loosing your hair, I have been told with paclitaxel it is total, lashes end brows too, yet another thing go cope with. I have been to look at wigs this week while I still have hair so I can match my colour, keep in touch and stay strong and positive, I am sure we will have bad days but with family friends and each other's support i am sure we will get through it. Good luck

    Hugs Krissy

  • Hi I had steroids for only three days, up and at it again today; just listening to my body. Going for small walks and eating what I fancy. Been told my hair will fall out in two weeks, just going to take it and deal with it. Feel I have a positive attitude but 6 sets of chemo is a lot to deal with can’t seem to see a end. Thanks for all your support people means a lot 

  • Hey just had second cycle of chem, I suffer terribly with nausia, for 4/5 days then seem to be fine, I think we all think it's going to be dreadful, some are just luckier than others I guess., sending big squishy Scottish hugs xx 

  • Hey

    I got my head shaved rather than wait for it all to fall out. My chemo is different to yours but my eyebrows and lashes have only just started to thin after 4 cycles. C-lash by eyelure are designed for people on chemo, not tried them myself.

    You are doing great, fresh air is always good and Listen to your body. I’m not great at taking my own advice by the way and get really frustrated as I want to do more than I can and then tire myself out! I tend to have smoothies for the week after my chemo, easy to make and full of good stuff.

    sending you a high five for getting through your first one.
