Feeling very apprehensive.

Hi all, what a great forum this  is. So much support for one an other.

Quick history of my situation.... Following birth of my youngest child 9 years ago i developed an inverted nipple. Went to docs when baby was about 3. She didnt think it was a problem, and everything felt fine.

Approx 1 year ago I noticed a small out of discharge from left nipple, did what we all shouldnt do and ignored it. Over the last 12 month, i have noticed the discharge on a further 3 occasions and last week it was a accomanied with breast tenderness/ache. 

Went to Drs today who has referred me as urgent to breast clinic.

I am terrifed of the worst! 

Does anyone have any tips of how to stay calm and just not think about it?!!! 

Thanks in advs. 



  • Hi ..I can only imagine how terrifed you must be feeling as I have had the recall within 2 weeks after a routine screening and had absolutley no issues whatsoever.. My stress levels are through the roof!! I think that everyone referred in the two weeks has only one thought on their minds..terrified it might be cancer! I know thats all I can think of..even trying to watch tv and do normal things my mind just wont stay off the appointment. I have mine for Friday 16th at 9.30am..When you get your appointment also ring them and ask to be put on the cancellation list and they will call you if a space comes up sooner..I did and am keeping my fingers crossed. I go through moments of sheer panic and anxiety to moments of acceptance and theyve got it early if anything is there..We all know that worry wont change anything atall but we do it..its natural to fear the unknown and I feel in many ways the not knowing is worse! This forum is great and we can all support one another..try to stay positive and I am too..do you have your appointment yet? x Kazza

  • Thanks for responding... means a lot. I'm trying to stay focused on "the now", but I keep googling symptoms. In the time it took my daughter and I to watch "Dog Hotel"  movie I had managed to diagnose my self with 3 different types of cancer and a possible stroke!!!!

    It has totally consumed me today, to the point where I've just thought about cancelling the appointment and worrying about it later!.

    I haven't had an appointment yet but GP said I should hear today or tomorrow and I will definitely ask to go on cancellation list. 

    I know the old adage of "keeping busy" is well used, but that's what I am planning to do tomorrow.  I aim to fit so much in that I will be utterly knackered by bed time and sleep like a baby. 

    D xx


  • I have stopped googling for 24 hours and already I am able to feel more positive! IT is not our friend that google! Yes..I'm keeping very busy too and find I'm able to sleep better...I hope you get your appoinment today and can focus on that and that you will get the answers you need soon..I'm counting the sleeps every single day I wake up..sounds terrible but thats how Im coming now..wewill try to remain busy and positive till our appointments and as I said..I hope you get your appointment today xxx