Feeling totally lost

Hi everyone 

In my last post I explained that my oncologist can't offer me any further treatment. I have however, been referred to a hospital in London for clinical trials, which is a positive thing.

However, I feel completey lost and in some kind of limbo. The support network of the last 2 years has disappeared, the regular chemo was part of my life and I felt something was being done. Now I'm just waiting..

To add to this, my mum passed away last Thursday, so I have lots to deal with. I'm lucky I have extremely supportive family and they are being wonderful, but I can't help the way I feel.

Anyway, onwards and upwards I suppose. Hopefully I'll hear from the hospital soon and I'll have some sort of plan.

Thanks for reading.


  • I'm pleased to see you've been referred for clinical trials in London Jan although I'm really sorry to read about the loss of your mum and would like to offer you my sincerest condolences on her passing.

    I think many members have found themselves feeling a bit lost at sea so to speak after treatment has ended so you're not alone in feeling this way and hopefully someone will be along soon to offer their support and advice.

    Waiting is always tough but as you've said your family are there to support you, as are we, so you will get through this Jan.

    Fingers crossed you hear back from the hospital soon and that the trial can get underway.

    My thoughts are with you at this time.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator


    Hi Jan,

    I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mum last Thursday and offer my sincere sympathy. I lost my mother-in-law the previous Saturday, so know how upsetting and unsettling this can be. Added to all the other changes in your life it's no wonder you feel like you do.

    It is unfortunate that your oncologist cannot offer you any further treatment, but I am glad to hear that you have been referred for clinical trial.

    Having had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 8 years, I can fully appreciate how lost and in limbo you feel since you stopped chemo. I came to the end of my treatment in July 2017 and now feel that I am just waiting for it to spread. I fear that many of us lose confidence when that safety mat is pulled from under us.

    You are lucky to have such a supportive family, as am I, but so many changes in such a short time is bound to have an effect on you and you alone.

    I sincerely hope that you get onto a clinical trial soon and that you find one that can help you to move forward.

    Please let us know when you get your hospital appointment. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx



  • Hi Jolamine

    Thank you very much for reading my post and taking the time to reply, it's very much appreciated. Sorry to hear about your mother in law, it's a tough time isn't it?

    You are absolutely right in everything you say, this feeling of being in limbo and the waiting is so hard. I'm so pleased for you that you are in remission at the moment, long may it continue! I can only imagine how hard it is for you though, wondering if the cancer will return. I think on the whole we are very resilient and we cope with whatever is sent our way, but we all have a wobble  from time to time.

    I'm hoping to hear from the clinical trials team soon and I'll hopefully have some sort of action plan. 

    Thanks again

    Jan xx



    Hi Jan,

    No matter how strong we are we all have our ‘wobbly’ moments. Just remember that we are all here for you whenever you want to vent.

    Do you still have your mum’s funeral to get through? If so, I hope that it goes well. It’s never an easy time.

    Thinking of you.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Jolamine

    It's always nice to know that there are people to talk to. My mum's funeral is not till 22nd October, so only a week away.

    Thanks again for your time.

    Jan xx



    Hi Jan,

    It is always difficult when you have to wait a while for the funeral. Ours was last Wednesday.


    Jolamine xx