Feeling tired and frustrated

Hi my Mum was diagnosed with Stage 3 bowel cancer in 2013. She had chemotherapy, radiotherapy and Aristotle clinical trial and surgery to remove tumour with ileostomy. Had ileostomy reversal the following year. Pathology results showed cancer cells in 5 out of 20 lymph nodes.

In 2016, scan showed metastatic bowel cancer in liver. Liver resection to remove lobes five and six plus spleen.

In 2017 another scan showed Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma on her left lung, this is currently under a watch and wait with no treatment yet.

A few weeks ago after CT scan we were rold bowel and liver are ok but possibly metastatic bowel cancer on right lung.

Had a pet scan and now told there are also a couple of suspicious spots on liver, even though previously told ct scan was clear.

Going to see a consultant re the lung problem tomorrow although pet scan wasn’t very good as the area it’s in is obscured by the heart.

Feeling so angry at the whole thing, it’s like cancer dominates everything, and am so tired and frustrated at not being able to give my mum a life free of constant worry.

I feel like we are fighting a losing battle at the moment and it’s always going to rear it’s ugly head no matter what.

Sorry for long post, I know there are many people worse off.

  • Hi jo1971.

    Welcome to the forum.


    It's not for nothing that cancer is named after the Latin word for crab.  Once the crab has got its claws into you, it's devilishly hard to make it let go.

    But progress is made every day, and while there's life there's hope. One day, and not too far in the future, the crab will be made to scuttle back to its hole.