Feeling so lonely

I lost my sister 57 yrs old last year and my best friend and soul mate who also happened to live next door . I feel so lonely without my friend but am getting out there trying to make new friends. Problem is I feel I will never meet anyone again as unique as my close friend. I feel list at the moment and struggling to go on, I am awaiting Bereavment counselling.  Did anyone find that ciunselling helps? 

  • Hi sue yes i had bereavment counciling i didnt think it was helping at the beginning but as ive moved through the grief i find its helped a great deal . Tthere are social groups out there for all ages on the internet and ivI'realy pushed myself to keep going as just being round friendly people a bit has rubbed off ime not looking for anything as lost my partner not long ago but ime with like people that understand but have moved through there grief but you have to keep tryinging hope you start to get a little bit of joy back in your life soon .regards paul