Feeling nervous

Hi all

Feeling really emotional today and not sure what do with myself

My story so far is that I had a severe lung infection back in October last year and ended up having a ct scan as it wasn't clearing...the consultant I saw read the results and told me to prepare for the worst and all tests would be done in a 2 week timeframe. After 3 and a half weeks of no contact I was out of my mind and frantically trying to chase things up....eventually I spoke to a lung nurse who assured me It was only infection and a follow up x-ray would be done in 6 weeks with a lung function test....big relief as you could imagine.

Anyway fast forward to 2 weeks ago after multiple xrays and ct scans and now a bronchoscopy they have found the tumour the original consultant said I had (so angry about this) biopsy have been taken and a pet scan arranged for the 23rd and an appointment for my surgeon made for the 27th.

I have been told that they think it's a benign carcinoid tumour but have to wait for results however after being messed around so much and having hospital losing my notes plus lung function test results which I now have to have repeated I'm seriously losing faith in my hospital

Sorry for long ramble just needed to get it all off my chest I think 

  • Hi Jo,

    Welcome to the forum! 

    Nervous? In your position I would be livid!

    Have you made a formal complaint about the delays, miscommunication and the loss of your notes and lung function results? It would be useful if you did as the hospital can learn from what went wrong and take steps to stop this being repeated. 

    Good luck with your treatment!


  • Hi Dave 

    And thank you for replying, I am angry and my partner is encouraging me to make a complaint which I will be doing at some point but more concerned at the minute by waiting for results...it seems my mind is in constant overdrive with no or very little relief.

    I have been told that no matter what the results are I will be having a lobectomy to remove the middle lobe of my right lung but my thinking is that they are only telling me it's benign at the minute to keep me happy because of all the screw ups so far if that makes sense. 


  • Hi Jo oh my god I've only been in the system since 11th January and it's been hard with tests and waiting for results ive been diagnosed with lung cancer in the right lung but mine is not operable at the moment I start my chemo this Tuesday. I do feel you should complain when your head is in the right place as I get you are all consumed with ifs what's and maybes god luck I'm sorry if this doesn't help but just wanted you to know your not alone xxx 

  • Hi Jo,

    No-one will really know until the results come back, I don't blame you for being sceptical. I think the more experienced a cancer specialist is, the less likely they are to using phrases like "we think it is probably..."

    I'm only basing this on my experience as a patient, but I've now had three Consultant oncologists and they have all been very careful in their wording to avoid giving me false hope or mixed messages. Even good news is qualified with "in all probability" or "for the time being we can assume that .... but this could easily change if your cancer becomes active again, which is a real possibility".

    At least they've told you that surgery is planned, which will give you time to come to terms with that. 

    Good luck with those results!


  • Hi Valerie

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis and really hope your treatment plan goes well.

    I suppose I am lucky really that they are already making plans to remove mine no matter what the outcome hugs to you and good luck for Tuesday

    Much love jo x

  • Hi Dave

    I'm not sure what to believe in terms of what they say to me now...although I also am receiving copies of the mdt meetings now and it also says that they believe it to be a benign carcinoid tumour on those letters too. So after a much needed night out with friends last night that is what I'm holding on to until I hear any different....that and doing as much research as possible about recovery from my upcoming op

    Many thanks jo x