Feeling lost , frustrated and angry

Hi,I have been lurking in the background for the past 7 years but have never posted before. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in Jan 2010.  He had a successful bowel resection and then subsequently ops on liver and lungs with chemo as well.  Considering the stage at first diagnosis he was doing well, never had any pain and never grumbled. Sadly the cancer spread to his brain (although it was initailly diagnosed as labyrynthitis by GP!!)  when he finally received treatment (and oncologist considered it worthwhile trying) his balance was quite unsteady.  Unfortunately 4 days after he started treatment he over balanced and fell in the bathroom in the middle of the night,  His district nurses recommended i  call an ambulance to get him checked out at hospital.  While there he was quite confused (found out he had a urine infection) I believed it likely he had not been taking his anti inflamatry tablets or that thesickness from chemo was causing them to fail. However they catheterised him, sedated him and ( i think ) gave him morphine for pain which he didn't have - he was just agitated (not surprisingly).  They did a CT scan and told my daughter and i that it had grown (not surprising as he had only just started treatment ) and that he was unlikely to survive the night... I was in shock and never thought to question why they thought he would die so imminently. He didn;t die that night nor for another 41 nights!! But due to being confined to bed by the time i got him home (to die) he had suffered muscle wastage and was getting weaker (he still attempted to get out of bed though)  I am now trying to come to terms with his death and failing - i feel i let him down.  I am now trying to accress his medical records from hospitals and GP (not an easy task) i have requested a copy of his GP records and been given a poorly typed "report" a chrnological list of the typists interpretation of his notes  what treatment was given  full of misspelings and abreviations, no discharge letter but a reference to a letter from his oncologist but no copy of or detail of what was in the letter.  This surely is not a copy of his medical records?  Are GP's obliged to give you a full and accurate copy of medical records if you ask for them?  My husband passed away in July - after having tried his hardest to as he put it "sort this out"  i.e trying to get out of bed and move but nobody let him.  I so wish i had questioned their prognosis in the hospital.  i feel constant guilt that i let him down.  


  • Hi shiela ... please don't feel guilty ... most of us has some regrets and wish we could turn back time ... bet if you could ask your dad , he'd say all he felt was proud of his girl ... be kind to your self and know everyone grieves in different ways ... some it doesn't hit for a few years, then out of the blue, it hits ya ... it's just the way I deal with it, is taking my self to my bed, curled up and cry and feel angry / sad and give in totaly to all those feelings ... don't want to be around anyone ... and one day I cried for hours ...but then when I'm all wacked and cryed out ... get up shower and hair washed , make up (war paint) on and I feel like a weight gone from shoulders and I'm ready to take on the world ... it works for me ..

    Well hope you get his records sorted ... sounds a wee bit cagey to me ... you push till you get the answers ... and know my hunny you need to go through all those emotions to come out the other end ...we will never stop missing them ... they stay wrapped up in your heart forever ...so take care brave lady big hug chrisie xx 


    Hi Sheila,

    A very warm welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s experience with bowel cancer and its’ subsequent spread. He did not start off well with a diagnosis of grade 4 bowel cancer, but he did well to survive for so long with such a diagnosis. It sounds as if he has had a trying time with his cancer journey, but sadly, that is par for the course with this dreadful disease. I am not a medic, but believe that a urine infection could well cause confusion and might well have caused his fall in the bathroom.

    It doesn’t sound as if you let him down at all. You were there for him when he needed you. You are naturally grieving and will re-live his final stages over and over again. The feelings you have are perfectly natural and will gradually lessen with time.  All sorts of emotions will go through your head in the meanwhile.

    His GP should have an accurate account of all that he has been through, including any letters of referral and, to the best of my knowledge, you should be entitled to a copy of this. Your GP is duty bound to keep accurate records. If he hasn’t done this, he could be sanctioned by the BMA.

    I know just how difficult it is to get a copy of medical records and how long it takes to get them.

    It sounds as if your husband was well cared for on the whole. We are so fortunate to have the NHS in the UK. When you stop to think of what all of his treatment has cost what with testing, CT/MRI scans, operations, chemo, hospitalization, ambulances, nursing care, consultants fees, medication, etc, it may not seem like it just now, but he was really a very lucky man.

    It is unfortunate that his disease progressed to metastases, but this is something that everyone with a cancer diagnosis, lives in fear of. I lost my mum to secondary cancer and, am now 7 years into my own treatment. I have had 2 bouts of primary cancer, neither of which showed up on MRI. I found both myself, but I feel grateful for all the care and attention I’ve had since then. It hasn’t all been plain sailing. I too have had my gripes at times, but I’m still here after 7 years.

    Do you want to pursue this further? If so, can I just say that you shouldn’t do this without thinking very carefully about the consequences. This could take years out of your life, years when you will not be able to continue the grieving process as you constantly regurgitate all that has happened throughout the last 7 years, years when you will be worn down, possibly at detriment to your own health and that of your daughter. Sadly, despite all of this, none of it will bring your husband back.

    I feel for you and sincerely wish that I could help. Have you considered seeing a counsellor? This is not for everyone, but many people find it of great benefit. Many of the cancer charities offer this service free of charge and, it is certainly worth considering.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you whenever you want to talk.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx