Feeling lost

Hi all,

I have recently been to the GP due to on going symptoms of bleeding, discharge, strong pelvic ache and sharp pains, lower back ache, dizziness, fatigue, pain and bleeding after intercourse. These symptoms have been evident for months but I burried my head in the sand and thought they would go away. So far I have had blood tests and swabs. I saw my GP again yesterday and was told that an urgent referral has been made for me to attend a cancer clinic for further testing. I now feel lost and sick. I have that gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. I already have heart disease and arrythmia and I have no idea how I will cope with treatment should it be necessary? Any information or advice would be very gratefully recieved. TIA.

  • Hi TDC,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about what you're going through at the moment - I can imagine this is worrying. The main thing I would suggest is to try not to focus on any worst case scenarios. There's nothing you can do until you know more from any results, and at that point there will be some clear next steps for you to take, and plenty of support available should you need it - including from us here on this forum.

    Your symptoms may also not all be connected. I'm glad that you've had it checked out and it's good that you hopefully don't have too much longer to wait to find out more.

    Do continue to use this forum for support as and when you need it - it's a very welcoming community of people.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator