feeling hopeful after bowel cancer staging

I had a follow up appointment with my surgeon today nearly 5 weeks after my op to remove a tumour from my sigmoid colon. 

Cancer is now staged as Dukes Stage B with no lymph node involvement. 17 lymph nodes were removed and examined and amazingly none of them showed any evidence of cancer. I was so pleased as I was convinced that at least one would be affected . 

My chance of surviving 5 years or more post op is now estimated to be 70%. Not bad odds, I can feel optimistic    about my chances. 

Next phase is appointment with oncologist in approx 2 weeks. 

"Feeling hopeful and positive" jo x




    Hi Jo,

    This is great news, made even better by the fact that all of your lymph nodes were clear.

    Let us know how you fare when you return to the hospital in 2 weeks.

    Meanwhile make the most of this holiday weekend and the good weather too – an unusual combination!

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx