Feeling guilty

Today I was told I have Thyroid cancer.  I always had a bad feeling about it and when I was told, My husband said I was really calm about it.  I stupidly didn't take a list of questions or a notepad to write anything down.   But i feel so guilty!  I hate the thought of putting my family through this.  Im 38yrs old and have a 6 and 11 year old.  Telling my parents and sister was so hard!  I hate it that I've now burdened them with the worry!   And my kids, I can't even look at them without wanting to cry.  I feel so bad for my husband too.  He works so hard for pur family and I feel like I've now add the weight of the world on his shoulders. 

  • Hi Jodc17

    I felt exactly the same.... the horrendous feeling of having to tell my loved ones the news and the impact it would have on everyone,  I wasn't thinking about what might lay ahead for me or what I might have to go through at all. But we must all remember none of us should feel guilty about getting cancer, we didn't choose it we can only deal with it the best we can one day at a time. Your family will be there to support you along the way, It's a shock to start with for all of you but then you will find a way to get through the appointments,scans,the waiting for the results and you  will be able to move forward one step at a time. 

    I wish you all the luck, feel free to post anytime there will be lots of support on here for you, keep in touch


  • Hi Evie18,

    Thanks for your reply.  I have an appointment tomorrow to see a surgeon and I'm SOOO anxious!  Not about having a operation, but just in case I get more bad news.  I wasn't told much about the cancer I have, just that I have it. I have wrote a list of questions to ask, but I'm so scared of the answers! 

    I Really don't know how people cope with this, I really don't! 

