Feeling down today.

10 months after lumpectomy and radiotherapy and my breast still feels tender breast care nurse said this can go on for longer...lm having a worry day today still thinking the worst...maybe tomorrow l will feel better is any other lady experiencing the same .

  • Yea ... your not alone .. those "down days" come from nowhere ... Dosnt need anything to set them off .. they just come to remind us what a hell of a journey we've been on .. and unless you get that cancer diagnosis , you don't realise how it effects us down the line .. when everyone thinks ... put it behind you .. look forward .. keep smiling ... that's why we come on here, we know ...and yes my breast still feels tingly sometimes .. and I still cant carry anything with the arm, where lymph nodes are taken... 2 years on .. but it's better then the alternative...

    I don't get them much, luckily ... but when I do, I just go with them .. give myself permission to feel those feelings.. then I process them .. then when they drift away .. go back to the "new normal" we've made for our self... so your o.k .. you are entitled to a bad sad day .. look at what a journey you've been on ..

    Chrissie  xx

  • Thankyou for your lovely words it is very assuring to know someone feels what l feel l also have a problem like yours but mine is l cant seem to lie on my side that l had my op thankyou once againfor your words of support.x

  • Hi. 

    I have just read your post and am wondering how you got on with the tender breast pain .

    I am 9 weeks post radiotherapy and the breast I had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy is so tender and sore ....almost like bruised inside.

    It started about 10 days ago and I rang the bcn and hospital.  I was just told to take some pain relief and get back in touch in a couple of weeks if no better. I'm anxious the cancer has returned.  

    I'm struggling to lie on that side and I cant bear anyone touching or coming anywhere near it. It feels so sore and tender constantly. 

    What happened with you eventually? 

  • Hi

    i also have pain low down under my arm and into the side of my breast.  I finished radiotherapy early on in April and had no problems or pain at all . Then two months ago this pain started.  As you said it feels bruised as if someone had thumped me.  It's also very sensitive and even spraying deodorant on hurts.  I saw my GP who referred me back to the hospital.  I got an appointment 9 days afterwards and saw the consultant who examined me and said he thought that it was due to the radiotherapy. I also had a ultrasound scan there and he has referred for me to have a CT scan.  Please don't worry to much as it does seem to be very common after radiotherapy.  If you are still worried insist that your GP refers you back to the hospital.