Feeling alone

I feel alone, scared, sad, oh I know i'm not alone, there are "resources", then why do I feel so pathetic, feeling sorry for myself.  I just want to chat with some one that may feel the same.

  • Welcome glo sorry 4 the reason u joined I just wanted 2 say hi my situation is different 2 u my mother terminal with bowel cancer . Someone will chat with u soon who in same situation as u . Any time u need chat I'm her if u want take care . 

  • hiya glo. i feel the same as you do. its a horrible feeling my story is a little diffrent to yours my brother has termial cancer

    if you want to chat feel free to message me x

  • Thank you, i'm very sorry about your mom.  Well' last nite, took a shower and my hair came out in clumps, I expected this, but to see it was hard, I just kept crying no, no, had to get out twice to get the hair out of the drain...it looked like the scene from the move Harry and the Hendersens, when the bigfoot took a bath!  my friend came over and cut it short...I know i'm vain, and more aware of it now than ever. and I know this sounds stupid.  This is just the start, and already feeling low.  Thanks for the reply, appreciated lots.

  • Thanks for gettin back to me..My hair hurts!!  This is the beginning of a bad journey.  I try to keep my chin up, with a sarcastic sense of humor, but come on, my hair fell out in clumps, just like I expected, but it was sad.  Goin in for rd 2 of chemo thursday. I see people goin in with their husbands/wife and I think how nice it would be to have someone to share this with.  I'm sorry for your brother and you, love to hear your story. I get up off and on all nite.

    have a nice evening


  • Hi Gloria


    I am new around here and have barely started my journey yet (meeting with oncologist this afternoon).

    All I can say is hang in there, be strong, don't be afraid to be upset, but don't let it carry you down a path of despair. You can beat this. There will no doubt be hard times ahead, but imagine your joy when you reach the other end! Focus on the good stuff and accept there will be crap days.

    Best wishes

    Lee x

  • Hi glo hope 2 Moro goes ok 4 u with the chemo [[ ]]

  • Hi Glo I know exactly how you feel, I am feeling the same as I do not have family near and do not see many friends unless I go out or ask them to come around. I am loathe to inflict my low mood on other people they mostly have their own problems to deal with.

    . My partner is also out at work all day so I am often on my own.  

  • Good Luck with your treatment Gloria I hope you feel less scared and alone after your appointment and that the people caring for you put your mind at ease greatly, take care


  • Hi 

    I'm sorry to hear your feeling low and while there are lots of resources out there I completely get how you feel. I was told when I was diagnosed there is no manual on dealing with cancer everyone copes in there own way. I found that I was ok when I was with my dog and my mood improved but other times not so much. Cancer puts so much of your life on hold that in the end I started to look at things in baby steps as it have me a smaller goal to reach such as next chemo, scan etc but like I say there is no manual and everyone feels differently so if you ever want to talk feel free to message me. Good luck with everything and remeber your not alone and there are people around you to talk to and who can help.


  • Hi Lee,  Thank you for your kind words of inspiration.  Trying to stay focused.  Sometimes my mind wanders to places...well you know how that goes, sometimes ya can't help to let cancer in your mind.  I need to find a friends to talk to, about someone elses stuff, find friends that have common goals, and just to laugh sometimes.  I don't get out much.  There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.  I'd like to be in touch with you often, as I value friendships at this point in my life especially.  I am finding that people don't see much future, or fun, with a terminally ill disease, although knowing it does not define me, I think it has in other peoples perspectives.  

    Stay in touch Please!!