Feeling a bit nervous and worried

Hi! First post here. 

I went to the dr's around 12 weeks ago with torso itching she gave me some cream and ordered blood tests. My first set came back as low lymphocytes and low platelets, she asked me to repeat it and I got these a few days ago which show the lymphocytes have more or less gone back to normal but platelets have dropped further again. I went to see her today and she noticed my lymph node was swollen in my neck asked if I had felt ill but to be honest I really haven't other than a bit of tiredness I couldn't say I've been feeling ill. Anyway she asked me to repeat the blood test again and said if the platelets have dropped again that shell refer me to a haemotologist. I'm just worried but telling myself im being silly because if it was any type of leukemia my white blood cell count would have also been abnormal! Am I right in thinking this? 


Thanks for any replies they are gratefully received. 

  • Hello Stace194567

    Welcome to the forum and I'm really sorry to hear about the health concern that you've been dealing with over the past few months. 

    It's natural to be worried when we have an unexplained health problem and as the Dr is now talking about possibly referring you to a specialist it's understandable that you're feeling more concerned. 

    There could be a number of causes for your symptoms so it's sensible that your GP is discussing referring you to a specialist who will be best placed to assess things. 

    Try not to worry too much at the moment - we know that it's often easier said than done! It's also a good idea to give Dr Google a wide berth as you will get a lot of often innacurate information that's not necessarily relevent to you. 
    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Let us know howo you get on. 
    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator