Feeling a bit lost

hi all

well my dad has a oncologist appointment Tuesday following his one dose of palliative radiotherapy and my parents have asked me to attend. I think my mum wants the support as dad is confused since his morphine has been upped and not as mobile as he was six weeks ago. I feel so worried about what's going to be said as my mum is still hoping for chemotherapy but I don't think this is going to be an option for him. I want to ask about his prognosis...do you think I would be able to see the consultant alone to ask this as my parents are not wanting to know??

i have my own GP appointment tomorrow as I've been suffering from terrible bouts of anxiety and it's really affecting my own family life. I just feel like things are too much to deal with a lot of the time at the moment.

im still off work...have had about 10 weeks now and I feel terrible on my colleagues for not being in but my work can be quite emotionally draining without all this going on. My manager is supportive but I just feel terrible.

i just don't know what to do...I can go from anger to stressed to sad to emotional and back round again over the day...but I never cry...it's almost like I've built a brick wall to stop me doing so.

sorry for the rant just need an outlet. I hope you are all getting through the days x

  • Hello Sez. 

    It sounds like you really are on that proverbial rollercoaster at the moment. It's not surprising that you're suffering with anxiety. It's a lot to have to deal with. How did your GP appointment go? Were they able to help?

    How did Dad's appointment go yesterday? Hopefully the oncologist was able to give you some information that has answered some of the questions you and your Mum have both had. 

    With so much to manage at the moment, try not to be too hard on yourself about being off work. It sounds as if your Boss is supportive which is great and I'm sure that your colleagues will be understanding. Be kind to yourself Sez and if coming here to "rant" helps then post away! 

    Pop back and let us know how things have gone the past few days if you get chance. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator