Feel like I need answers

Hi my dad died almost 3 and half weeks ago nearly 4 weeks and it was very sudden he died in 5 week of diagnosis we had suspected him being ill but he and we did not know what he tried to seek help but the pandemic limited this doctors didn't seem very good my dad actually got fed up of asking.

then they eventually found out when he took himself to emergency room and said he really does not feel well and he would never do that unless he was on deaths door which he was!

but now I'm really struggling I keep asking myself the same question why is my dad dead it does not feel real!

I keep thinking it's some kind of joke I saw him die why am I having these feelings I keep thinking this can't be real even though I'm burying him on Friday I do think I'm alright then burst out crying.

I don't like these feelings cause it feels unreal I know my dad died of cancer but why? I didn't get to do a lot with him I was trying to mend our relationship it was only just starting to flourish my dad always loved me and me him but my parents seperated and it made the relationship difficult and I was trying to mend it  and all that's been taken away from me .my dad wasn't that old either and I'm only in my 30s why do I feel like this

  • Hi there. I lost my dad 7 weeks ago, not to cancer. He died suddenly in his sleep. This was very unexpected. I felt the need to reply to this as I too feel that it is surreal. You know death eventually is inevitable but somehow you think it will never happen to your parents if that makes sense. I'm very much the same with the outbursts of crying, it happens almost everyday. I'm 33 and feel like I have been robbed of my father. The most important thing is that you loved each other and you both knew that. I hadn't hugged my dad properly for so long, I wanted to keep him in a bubble and protect him from covid. In the end it was all for nothing.

    I'm so sorry for our loss, there is nothing anyone can say that will make you feel better. But please take comfort from the fact that he knew you loved him and know he loved you. That is what I'm trying to do. Some people can go a lifetime and not have that, but you and your dad did. Take care xxx


  • Thanks so much responding it has meant a lot these feelings are awful I keep asking why even though I know it's cancer I think it's worse because I wasn't prepared and it was unexpected because things would have been different if I had known they gave him three month originally but it was 5 weeks and we even thought he might have 5 year because 3 month was if he didn't have treatment x