Fast tracked Hysteroscopy, D&C, Hysterectomy

Hi there, I'm new to all this and just looking for someone who's experienced this and what their outcome was. 

I have been on my period for over 6 weeks. Last Wednesday, I went in for a uterine biopsy (OUCH!!) and a few days later landed in the ER due to extreme bleeding. I was passing blood clots and tissue the size of baseballs. The ER doctors did a pelvic exam and a transvaginal ultrasound. I was told I was anemic (due to blood loss), and that my endometrial lining was very thick (19mm). I was sent home with iron pills and a blood clotting medicine to slow the bleeding and told to follow up with my OB immediately. I had a follow up appointment with my regular OB yesterday and was told I would need a hysterectomy the week after next. She also said she was rushing me for a hysteroscopy and D&C tomorrow morning. She said I don't necessarily "fit the stereotype" of endometrial or uterine cancer but there is a possibility of finding malignancies during my surgery tomorrow. I have two good sized fibroids within my uterine walls and my uterus is enlarged. I'm only 38 years old, I'm thin, and I'm not near menopause has anyone else my age dealt with this? I'm not necessarily panicking about the surgeries, but more so the urgency about it all. Would love to hear what others think or if anyone else has dealth with a similiar situation. Thanks so much for any info or helpful words you can all give me. :)

  • Hello, I'm 35 and also have had a Hysteroscopy and biopsy(my womb is 18mm) I have anemia too and the Iron tablets have really been messing with my stomach!! I had bleeding between periods and after sex...It's all so scary and I still haven't received my results(had it done 2wks ago) Hope everything goes ok for you x

  • Hi Lianna, thanks for your reply. Had my procedures done this afternoon. They found a baseball sized fibroid (posterior) but said they didn’t have the proper tools to remove it during today’s surgery. They also found several blood clots within my uterus but said they didn’t see any other masses or cause for great concern. My OB said she will still do my hysterectomy and now I’m just waiting on my results from today’s biopsy they took. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude with everything but also know that just because they didn’t see “cancer” to the naked eye, doesn’t mean it’s not within the tissue. They said my results should be in in about a week. I’m surprised yours is taking so long! Good luck and do let me know how yours turn out! Xoxo

  • At least if they couldn't see anything it means it's tiny if it is there. Sounds like you have had it rough! I was told my results would take 4-6wks so technically they ain't late...I really hope I find out soon though cos waiting is so rubbish!! Can't help but think the worst sometimes in those low moments but overall I've been quite positive. Yes I will let you know how I get on, thank you and good luck with yours too x

  • Hi I am 51 and post menopausal . No period for three years then    5 dats heavy bleeding . Had scans showed up thick uterus lining of 6mm . Had hysteroscopy and biopsy Doc said all looked ok but awaiting results from biopsy as feel the same as you you can’t see anything sinister with the naked eye . Was wondering how you got on I am so worried . 

  • Hi I've got to go for an hysteroscopy , I've just had a ultrasound and said the wall of my uterus is thicker than it should be I'm really worried now that it's something really bad ,how did you get on if you don't mind me asking 

  • Hi it was worrying  I cant deny I felt like that  . All my results came back clear and I am fine no other problems good luck let me no how you get on take care x

  • Hi I'm really pleased for you ,I'll let you know how I get on my oppintment is on 9th October xx

  • Hi, I'm 53 post menopausal too, no,period for two years now and two weeks ago,started spotting. Had scans which showed 5-6mm thickening. Consultant wants to book me in for a Hysteroscopy D&C under general anaesthetic, is this normal? Did you have a D&C too? Hope you are ok now. 

  • Yes I did and that's where they take biopsies . I also had thickening off the womb . My biopsies came back fine . It's the waiting that is the worse . Thinking of you and hope all is ok take care x

  • Thank you for your reply. Did you have a general anaesthetic too? Glad yours came back fine, it is a worry x