Fast tracked after ultrasound and cyst


I haven't posted on here before. I have had pain in my left hip, back and pelvis so was referred for a scan which I had today. I have two cysts on my right ovary, one is fine. The other I presume not as I had to make an appointment for 6 weeks which I did but she then said I should have the ca125 test, I said I had and it was 36. I went home thinking at least there wasn't a huge tumour but then had a call to say she had looked at my scans again and as my Ca125 was raised she'd fast track me to a gynaecologist. I asked her if it could be cancer and she said yes. I don't have many people to talk to about this, I'm on my own except for my lovely dog .

  • Hello Ches75

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had some health problems recently and that you've been referred for further investigations. 

    I know that many of our members here will understand how difficult this period of waiting for tests and results can be. It's natural that you may be feeling anxious about things. I'd certainly suggest trying to keep busy and avoid using Google to look for answers as this often leaves people feeling more worried. 

    It can help to talk to someone about your concerns and I wondered if you might like to give our team of nurses a call. I'm sure they would be able to offer some support and information. If you'd like to chat to them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that you don't have to wait too long for your appointment. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi I hope you are ok and am praying for you that they are wrong and that it is not cancer. I have a similar story. Have had 2 stone weight gain in a short period of time and dull pains around the pelvic area with a lot of bloating. Doctor did bloods and CA125 came back at 38 so am waiting a fast track ultrasound. I am finding it hard not to google things. It is the waiting and worry that is so hard isn't it? 

  • Hi Nollaig, thank you so much. I did all the googling before so am trying not to now, it is so hard not to though. I really hope you're ok and your ultrasound goes well. I was lucky that she could tell me a bit there and then. Waiting is the worst thing isn't it. Please let me know how you get on? I will be thinking of you and have everything crossed. X

  • Hey Ches75, hope you're doing ok. 

    I'm in a similar situation. Has a tv ultrasound this week which showed a cyst and they called me next day to get the CA125 blood test. Got my results within 12 hours. It was 15 but my doctor has fast-tracked me for a gynae appointment anyway. I'm assuming they've seen something pretty worrying.

    The waiting is awful. I hope you get your appointment soon, and I hope that it's all nothing to worry about. 

    From what I've read (trying to avoid scary Google stories), a considerable number of suspicious cysts  turn out to be benign. So it could look concerning and turn out to be something really easily taken care of. I think because OC is such an important thing to catch early, they want to be extra thorough. We have all double and triple checked something in life just to make sure everything was ok. The doctors are doing that with us :) 

    CA125 can be raised for lots of reasons that don't always mean the worst. 

    Hope everything turns out in the most positive way for you. x

  • Hello,

          I'm sorry to hear about your cysts, please try not to worry. When you get your test results you can take it from there. My Mum had them and they were not cancerous. She got them removed and is fine. now.  It does mean you have too much of the hormone oestrogen and not enough progesterone if you are younger than menopause age this is very common. You could get an appointment with a doctor who specializes in hormones and get them properly tested. This runs in my family, I learned a bit about it and we gave up dairy products and eat loads of vegetables. It worked for my female cousins and me it helped our hormones and we lost weight and touch wood no ones had any more polycystic ovary problems since. I wish you the very best, much love. X

  • Hi McNervous (ideal name! ),

    Thank you so much for your reply. I'm glad your CA125 is only 15, that's a good sign. Didn't they tell you anything at the ultrasound? I know some aren't able to so that doesn't mean its anything to worry about. Mine said it could be blood in it at first but then when she rang later said she'd looked at it again. I know they have to cover themselves too though and she couldn't have been nicer.

    Have you had any pain at all? Weirdly since the ultrasound I haven't had any pain. Not that I had it all the time but did every day, although on the wrong side!

    I'm not googling any more. I have read lots of positive stories too so I really hope it is for all of us. Please let me know x

  • Hi KimMcC,

    Thank you  very much for replying,  that's really good to know. I'm 45 and thought I was in perimenopause as I had a copper coil removed in February but haven't had a period since. As it wasn't a hormonal one they should have returned within 3 months apparently. I've been having the normal PMS symptoms though. I would like to do that, good idea. I'll ask my doctor if she can test for hormones. Maybe after my appointment.  I have been eating loads of vegetables lately and fish but haven't cut out dairy so I will try that, thanks.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to message,thanks again. X

  • My ultrasound experience was pretty silent for the most part. Not great for the nerves.

    She basically asked was I comfortable with an internal u/s and after she was done, she told me that my GP will contact me in a week. I was then sent on my merry way. I never thought to ask if I'm honest, I thought they weren't allowed to share results there and then. My doctor called me the next day with more information. There's a 2cm x 2cm complex cyst that they want to investigate.

    I guess she wanted me out as fast as possible due to Covid safety and minimising any chatting. She may also have wanted to take a closer look at whatever was in the images. I'm trying my best not to read into her silence too much!

    I've had a bit of nagging pain in my upper right side. I've had that on and off for years now though, so I'm hoping its not connected. I do get twinges and aches over the ovary and hip in question though so that one I'm not super happy about. 



  • I really don't think you should worry about her being silent as I know some are just sonographers (I think that's what they're called) and not allowed to discus the images whereas some are qualified to. I've had some of my pain on and off for well over a year too and put it down to lifting at work. My doctor did say, before any test results,  that most people have back and hip pain. X

  • Hi Ches75,

            You are welcome, just wanted to share what I'd learned from my own hormone issues! I'm 38 and until I was 30 id polycystic ovary syndrome but never cancer thank goodness. I'm fine now, the doctor recommended the pill but I changed my diet to vegan with some fish, I went to a herbalist and got bitter herbs I think they were mainly from dandelion!! They tasted awful lol but they worked over about 4 months the PMS went away and the pain and my periods started coming every month and still are 8 years later. A a lady I know had ovarian cancer but she had a lot of bloating and put a lot of weight round her middle in a short period of time she thought it was IBS they were different sort of symptoms.. Yes I think if it's not menopause and your periods aren't regular that's to do with oestrogen and that makes the cysts grow and can cause cancer and also breast cancer. The doctor can do a basic hormone test but it's very basic like mine came back normal when they clearly weren't. You can ask to see an endocrinologist, a family member did that. The herbalist sent mine off to a private company I think it cost 100 pounds and the oestrogen and testosterone were too high. He said to cut my coffee down to one cup a day I was like noo lol but did it. Green tea is supposed to be anti hormonal cancer. Good luck with your results im sure you will be fine, there seems to be a lot of support. I think if you get a doctor who you like and feel like they care that really helps. Often a female one is better for hormone issues.x