Failed fertility

I'm 29 and was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma 6 weeks ago. I was pushed to do a course of fertility treatment before I start chemo as a backup for the future as the chemo might affect my fertility or worse, make me infertile. 


I went to all the appointments, did the two weeks of daily injections and even went to day surgery and had general anaesthetic (despite having a tumour in my chest cavity). Only after the anaesthetic wore off the consultant came to me and said it didn't work- they couldn't get any eggs as I hadn't responded to treatment well enough. She couldn't say why it didn't work either the prep was rushed and it just didn't take or because I have cancer i just didn't respond to it properly. I was absolutely devastated. I know there's no guarantee that chemo will effect my fertility but this was my safeguard against that and it didn't work .I'm no closer to knowing if I can have children but I don't have time to try again as I need to start chemo. I'm scared it's going to be horrendous although I have read lots of comments on here that is isn't as bad as imagined. I just feel very low and like I failed myself. Not only do I have cancer and have to talk about chemo instead of planning my 30th but the one chance I had of securing children in my future is gone. What if that was it? I'm trying to stay rational and focus on the challenge ahead but I can't stop thinking I've failed myself about fertility what if I fail at chemo too?? 

Please help me feel grounded again 


    Oh Seasidegirl,

    I really feel for you, as I know only too well just how important this procedure was for you.

    I hope that you can look on the positive side - you may still be able to conceive after treatment. However, if you are not and face the worst case scenario, there are lots of children who dearly yearn to have a loving mum.

    This may sound totally heartless, it is certainly not meant to be. I have experienced this with close family members and adoption has really fulfilled Mum, Dad and both children.

    It is one uphill struggle, but you are young and, you will get there. You just cannot think so negatively, I am still her 9 years and 2 bouts of breast cancer after diagnosis. Please remember, that the more positive you are in your fight, the better your chances of booting this cancer into touch. We are all behind you and will support you all the way.

    Please let us know how you get on with your treatment. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx