Experiences with chemo?

Hi, my dad had chemo this last Tuesday. I never thought symptoms of chemo would be this bad so I'm just wondering other people's experiences. 

My dads experience is terrible. He can't keep down food at all and can barley drink. He was put on fluids yesterday as the hospital was worried he was not drinking enough as they said the chemotherapy has potential to damage the kidneys if he doesn't drink the recommended amount, which is 3 litres!! He also has bad acid reflux due to chemo which is causing him to gag every 10 minutes. On top of this, he took a fall the other day because it has took all his strength out of him. Also, he can barely walk now because he has no strength  at all! He does not have a rise in temperature as it is normal so no signs of infection but the anti sickness tablets do not appear to be working. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Hi,

    Sorry to read about your Dad's side effects. These do seem a bit extreme, but it can take a while to get the dosage of both the chemo and the anti-emetics right. I made the mistake of not talking to the oncology team about my side effects immediately. Once I did, they got everything under better control.

    Three litres of water per day isn't much above the recommended two litres per day for a healthy person. The extra amount helps the kidneys to flush away the toxins created when the chemo is broken down inside our bodies. I was told to drink little and often to help flush it away constantly.

    Best wishes

  • My dad has now had 3 sessions of chemo and believe me he's in the same situation as your Dad. Tthe first lot wasnt too bad but the 2nd was vile and now the 3rd isnt much better - they have told the team about his side effects and they have tried several changes in anti sickness tablets but he's sadly not doing to great on that front. I'm sorry I'm not being positive or much help.....dad was told in august about his cancer, mesothelioma which is a type of lung cancer and since then and with the chemo he's lost 4 stone and has no strength.

    Mmake sure you tell the oncology team his problems. Sadly, my dads wife has to be a bit pushy to get things done because to us, it feels like they are very dismissive.