Ewing's sarcoma

had a kidney and large tumour that had ingulfed it removed 7 weeks ago, I'm getting stronger but had my hospital appointment for results, so didn't get all clear instead told I had a rare type of cancer in adults, as the cells can walk they do t know what will happen yet , referred to marsden hospital , so in limbo again , don't know if I have a year or 30 , the know knowing is awful. I'm staying positive and living my life to its full that wish I knew

  • Hi

    When did  you have the tumor removed? Did you have a radical nephrectomy? My partner has this done 26th May 17cm tumor in left kidney. We were told renell cell carcinoma however when they did the pathology they said it wasn't and it is Sarcomatoid chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. They said aggressive rare feat prepare for devastation. He's only 41 with our young children. Worst nightmare *** Dr said. He's started SUTENT in the hope to slow/ stop the growth. Not curable and no surgery. Currently in the lung and peritoneum. So so scary. Totally known on our the sutent will work. Side effects started n life's miserable.

  • Sorry to read your message, mine fight just got harder too, called in and now find out my Ewing's sarcoma may get into my blood stream so can go anywhere, bone marrow sample, ct and  pep scan to come to see where it's gone but it's the 10 months of chemo and then radio to come that I wad t expecting, bad enough but I'm 46 and telling my 6 kids wAs awful , not sure what to feel as numb , stay strong and anything I can help with just shout