Everything tastes horrible!

After my first chemo 3 weeks ago everything tasted horrible even water or juice, to the point of avoiding eating and drinking. Someone I was chatting to suggested fizzy flavoured water which actually seems to be working! The one I'm using is Tesco's lemon&lime flavoured sparkling spring water nice and cold from the fridge, it's low in added sugar and is actually quite pleasant and refreshing, even food tastes palatable. Probably not everyone's cup of tea but it might work for someone experiencing that chemo mouth!

  • Hello peterj,

    I'm sorry to hear that you had problems with how things tasted after your first chemo 3 weeks ago but I'm glad that you seem to have found a way around this problem and thanks for sharing it with us! I'm sure this will be helpful to many here who are experiencing the same.

    Also, you might want to have a look at this page from our website, there you will find some tips on ways to deal with taste changes and I hope that this can help a bit as well.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator




  • Hi PeterJ,

    All you can do is experiment till you find something palatable.
    The good news is that your taste buds recover eventually once you finish chemo.



  • Thanks both, that's encouraging that they eventually come back, and thanks for the link Renata, there are some useful tips I hadn't seen before!



  • Hi Pete I found cranberry juice diluted with sparkling water a good drink also Lady Gray tea as this has a orangy taste. Spicy food with chillies (I used lazy chillies) but I went off curry. Good luck
  • Peter j

    it would be useful to know why you are having chemo ... ie.e what cancer d you have s I am sure that there are many of us on here who could give you some tips that may or not work .... but it will be better tailored to you if you are dealing with like treatments

    for instance I had chemo and Tomotherapy on my nect and basic water became to chalking and rough for my throat so had to go to carbonated, the the fizz became to much for my throat and went to warm Chinese green tea ...

     I stayed on that for a long while until I could get nothing down ... can’t stand the stuff now 

    but it worked for me at that time

    let us know a bit more and how you are getting on
