ENT Awaiting Results

Last week I had a biopsy under General, this was for a Laryngoscopy but they also did an Oesophagoscopy as found several ulcerated lesions.  Was told at the time they looked suspect.  Have received an appointment for Head and Neck CT scan, an appointment for results with ENT and on the same day I have another appointment with MDT Oncology.  Does this mean a positive result for cancer.  I think it does and got the impression the surgeons already were fairly sure last week.  Appointments not untill week Tuesday so seems a long time to wait.  Am I worrying and reading too much or am I right in how i have interpretted the two appointments that it is a bit more serious.

  • Hi!

    I am sure you are having such a bad time. I would try contacting your hospital and ask if there is any possibility to talk with someone about the MDT Oncology appointment and if you should bring someone with you. I personally think this kind of appointments shouldn't be sent without noticing the patient first in person and explain the situation. Anyway, bring a notebook with you and write down everything they say to read after the appointment. Don't Google too much, in Google every tiny thing leads to cancer and everyone with cancer dies because of it, which fortunately is not true at all.

    Good luck :love:


  • Hi Lemonice

    Trying to keep this short...  I have Crohns Disease, I have had VIN3 pre cancerous cells first 20 years ago, came back after 5 years and again last year so am under oncology Gynae for frequent checks, also have a rare skin disease where I get multiple Keratoacanthoma grow on my face, have seen same doc for over 20 years who has now retired from NHS but sees me as a private patient.  Because my Crohns was getting worse I was referred to Gastro last year and they put me on a biological medicine called Vedolizumab.  My KT doc told me to be very careful with immunosuppressants as they could turn both the KT and VIN to cancer very quickly, so i made sur ethis was recorded on my notes.  Long story short the Vedolizumab made me very ill, I kept getting abscesses one on my neck was the size of an egg and the crohns got worse, I was in agony could not eat properly and lost about 10kg.  Eventually i said no more and they changed my meds in Jan this year.  At around this time I developed a sore throat and hacking cough, I thought it was an apthous ulcer to do with my Crohns but it went on for over 3 months so i went to GP who sent me on urgent ENT referal.  Had a 2 week appt camera up nostil and ulcers were seen, they then sent me for biopsy by General done last Friday.  While under they went deeper in my throat and docs said it did not look good, as in my note above.  So I think it probably is cancer.  Not panicking but found it strange to get two appts on same day one for results and one for oncology so as you said I am not sure wether I should take someone with me or not.


  • I totally understand, that's why I think you should call and ask to at least be prepared and have someone by your side in case you want. ¡Four ears better than two! :p. Whatever you are told, remember here you have people you can share your thoughts and will be lovely to you.

  • yes take someone with you for support. I take my cell phone with me to important apointments such as this will be for you. I turrn my phone off, then put it on video , start the video and set the phone facing down in my lap. It will record everything said. Then if needed you can listen to what was said word for word. Prayer to you that all is well. Keep us posted please. 


  • Today I feel more positive, just had the Ultrasound and there is no sign of it in my lymph nodes so feeling happy about that.

  • That’s wonderful news!!! 

    Do you know what is going on with your throat? 

  • Not been confirmed yet.  I have a CT on Friday and the doctor I saw today said you will be meeting with the team on Tuesday then they will decide what to do with you, her words.  So I still think that there is cancer in my throat but hopefully it is in early stages, will update again on Tuesday.  Just the fact that it is not in my lymph nodes had given me hope today.  Fingers crossed.

  • Hi Mo when my husband got his diagnosis of cancer in his larynx he got the yes it’s cancer within a week & I know that it can take up to another week to get all of the histology ie grading . So maybe presuming it’s cancer and let’s not forget it may not be this is the information that they are waiting for once you have had all the relevant ct scans etc. My husband had all those scans too in his case they were all clear . Keep positive if it turns out to be Cancer it’s a very treatable one . Keep us posted and I will be thinking of you. Ginny x x Also I’m not sure I’m correct on this bit so maybe someone can correct me if I’m wrong but if the lymph nodes are enlarged it doesn’t necessarily mean cancer of the lymph in this case as infections etc typically try and find an escape route via the nearest lymph nodes. 

  • fingers crossed... I pray you don't have anything worrysome. 

    If you don't mind me asking, What lead you to see the ENT ? What where the symptons you had?

  • I am Hope all is going well for your husband. I am thinking and praying for him. 

    You mentioned that his CT and his ultasound came back clear? I wonder why or how come these test could miss something like this? Gosh... Sending you good vibes and hugs.