Enlarged lymphs - curious

I noticed that I have had a slightly enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck (not sure for how long though I first noticed it about 4 months ago) it doesn't give me any pain and is slightly rubbery to touch. I know that sometimes they can remain permanently enlarged? Was curious to see if this has affected anyone else. I had it examined a few months back and the doctor put it down to a viral infection and nothing to worry about I also noticed that I have 2 permanently hard lymphs (I assume) under my jaw that are almost rock hard to the touch they can be felt when my neck is slightly tilted back, making a double chin and they are movable I'm curious to see if anyone else has this?

I have some health anxiety so not sure if I'm just looking for things but it would be good to hear if anyone else has had this or if it should be of any concern