Enlarged lymph nodes, biopsy ultrasound next week. Worried

Hi Everyone, 


i have two enlarged lymph nodes on the left side of my neck for more than 3 months. I did ultrasound sound and CT scans which reported that they are reactive. This morning I received a call from hospital to invite me for Biopsy ultrasound next week. Does anyone go through this? I do much worried why they will do biopsy :( 

  • Hi 


    I don't have much information but I'm going through a very similar situation. I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck since November and am due to go for my biopsy ultrasound on Monday. 
    I have had ultrasound biopsy's before and it's the only way to really confirm or rule out something. My doctor keeps telling me that it's just to rule out something nasty. Doesn't help the worry though so I can completely relate to your concern I'd feel better if they said exactly what they are looking for but I hope all goes well for you

  • Thank you for getting back to me. I hope you are ok. They called me this afternoon to confirm that the biopsy is booked for Monday next week. They said the ENT asked for this not my GP. 

  • hi not sure why they would want a biopsy if it's been confirmed it's reactive nodes. can you not get them to confirm why they want you to have this?. I am awaiting biopsy results from an ultrasound my neck and was getting nervous that the results would be in soon. until I got a phone call saying can you go for an mri, which i did yesterday and through the post this morning asking me to have a cat scan next Wednesday. my heads all over the place atm.  mon coming I have to have a camera down my throat and a throat biopsy. I don't know why they are doing these tests and can't get hold of the ent Dr that seen me. think we just want answers so if you can someone to respond to your question it might help. hopefully they just want to double check. let us know how you get on

  • That must be so draining for you  ! I thought after the ultrasound they would at least tell you results and why they are recommending the other tests so you're at least aware of the reasoning. 


    please let me know how you get on I'm wishing you all the best ♥️


  • No problem it's a scary process. 
    i had an urgent referral for haematology waited 2 weeks for the appointment but the consultant called me and told me he wanted the ultrasound and biopsy done first and that he would see me when the results come in 


    Lymph nodes and swellings have got worst while waiting which obviously doesn't help I just want to get it over and done with now 


    how are you doing ? ♥️

  • been asked for a ct scan too next week and still no results. got to have a throat biopsy in 2 days time then I think that's all that's left. not sure if I should be worried or the Dr is over cautious. will update as soon as I know

  • Hey let me know how you get on! 

    ive just left my appointment not sure how to feel, more lymph nodes are swelling up but they didn't see concerned by anything on the ultrasound and said they were all within the normal size range. Because of this they didn't do the biopsy. She then said I could have a throat infection which I found really patronising, I've had this since October last year and been on three sets of antibiotics with no improvement then  I got upset and told them all my symptoms and they just told me I need to wait until the constultant arranges a follow up appointment 

    obviously over the moon they don't think it's anything sinister however I feel like I'm stuck in limbo yet again and spent two weeks stressing over a biopsy that never happened 


    How did you get on with yours ? 