Enlarged left tonsil & swollen lymph nodes in neck


I’m new here but here goes. I’m almost 25 with 3 children & since about January, I’ve had what feels like bout after bout of what I assumed was tonsillitis. I’ve been to the doctors for it twice & was prescribed 2 courses of antibiotics twice too but nothing caused my tonsils to swell back down. Even in between my assumed bouts of tonsillitis, they never swelled back down either. I seemed to keep getting a sore throat on my right side, I think my right tonsil is slightly swollen but my left is definitely worse like maybe 3 or 4 times bigger. So this has been going on for a few months. In April, I got referred to the ENT department which was classed as a urgent referral but my appointment had been cancelled & I finally was seen last week on the 23 May, I assumed the whole appointment was to see whether or not I fulfil the criteria to finally get my tonsils removed but that didn’t even get mentioned. I explained to the consultant what had been going on for the last couple of months & he checked my tonsils & said they definitely swollen. He then wanted to put a camera up my nose which he did straight away & then said that my tissue behind my nose & everywhere seems really swollen. He then checked my neck & said he found 2 lumps & that he wanted to send me for a ultrasound there & then which he did. On the ultrasound, on my left side where my tonsil is extremely swollen, there seemed to be a massive lump that was pulsating. It looked massive on the screen & the radiologist were focused on it for a while compared to the other side & even brought a second radiologist in quoting he wants to get a second opinion whether these photos are okay. He then said they definitely swollen & I probably need to get them removed no matter what but no biopsy needs to be done just yet. Maybe it was to put my mind at ease I don’t know but when I got sent back to the consultant, he then wanted to send me for a urgent MRI on my neck within the next 2 weeks, he sent me off for 13 different blood tests & prescribed me with antibiotics for 2 weeks which so far is proving useless with the swelling. The consultant then arranged another appointment for 3 weeks time (15 June). The consultant never mentioned or talked about what he assumed it was or whatever but when I went for my blood tests doing, I had 3 sheets of paper with me of what they was testing for. In the clinical notes bit, it said Waldrye’s ring hypertrophy, cervical lymphadenopathy & he questioned whether I had a lymphoproferative disorder & what was the cause & I assumed they trying to find the cause of it with the blood tests (FBC, kidney & liver function, glandular fever, HIV, stuff like that). I researched those terms with google & found that they could possibly be investigating cancer. I know it could be amongst other things. I never got told this, I never asked. I feel stupid that I didn’t now but I was just in shock at the appointment. Anyway, the day after my consultant appointment, I received a phone call from the MRI department arranging an appointment for the 30 May. But it confused me because I got told I would need to make my own appointment when a letter came through for me & now it’s been arranged for me the day after so now I’m sort of thinking that my blood tests wasn’t normal & that’s why they fast tracked the MRI & arranged it for me.

I think I posted on here for some advice & to hear some similar stories really. I just hate this waiting game I just want to know answers & finally know what’s wrong with me! I’ve been poorly on & off for months now so it’ll just be a massive relief to finally know even if it does mean I’ve got some kicking *** of some sort of cancer to do!

Sorry for the long post & thanks in advance

  • Hello kirstylouise; welcome to the forum but sorry you are so worried.  Also I have not had your experiences so cannot explain very much of them.  I know people do get appointments by telephone sometimes - if there is suddenly a cancelled appointment - for instance - happened to a friend who also panicked because he thought it mean something awful (it didn't).   It sounds as though your doctor was casting a wide net with the blood tests - which makes sense but of course we always zoom in on the ones that worry us most.  Of course I can understand your worries and, having no medical training, cannot make any suggestions.  Don't pay too much attention to what you read on google.  We say here that Dr Google should have been struck off years ago; their net is cast so widely and makes so many people worried.

    You only have one more day before your MRI scan but I bet it seems like a very long day!  Please try not to worry too much but wait until you are given some clear information.  Whatever its cause, I do hope that your tonsil problem gets resolved before too long.  Best wishes.  Annie

  • Thank you for your kind words. I had my MRI today, well, yesterday as it’s officially Thursday now & it went alright apart from big delays waiting to be seen. Now it’s just a waiting game but I’m just trying to keep positive for now :)

  • Kirsty

    welcome to the forum and sorry to hear all the stress and worry this is causing you

    The process of testing is a terrible one as we are dealing with the unknown and that could mean a multitude of things that just makes us worry even more.

    however this is a well defined process going on and you are dealing with one of the best medical services in the world .... so hang in there

    we are not medically trained on here, so can’t offer any credible diagnosis, were are just people who have been or are going through the process of cancer, but is does sound like you have an infection of sorts but originating from what is out of my sphere of expertise.

    having been through this process my advice is as follows:

    1. Dont expect all the answers from one test, the mri scan my give an indication of what it is, but it’s also elimination other possibilities. You might find out what it is, but further tests may be need to figure out the treatment.

    2. This testing after testing process is worrying and can last a bit of time, this in itself can make us drained and ill in its own right. This is most probably on your mind every minute of the day and keeps you awake at night. It’s therefore important for your own well being to try to get short breaks from this by distracting your self .... go swimming, a short walk, watching a comedy or something of that ilk. You won’t totally get away from it, but these small periods of distraction do pull you away from it momentarily and will help you get through this period in good health.

    3. Don’t sit in silence if it’s really getting to you, come back and talk to us on here, we have been there and beyond and we can help not only with the physical side but listening and offering advice to the mental issues these processes cause too

    letus us know how you get on


  • Hi there,

    well I am living with enlarged right tonsil and tons of enlarged lymph nodes on the right side after having a tonsillitis for almost 3 months, and it was 7 years ago. Those things never got back to their normal size. Back then I was told, that if the infection is being present in your body for too long, lymph nodes, and tonsils are also lymph nodes, they might never swell back down.

    Of course I don't know your situation, but that's my story.


  • Hi Kirstylouise93, I was wondering how you got on with your MRI results. I am currently going through almost the exact same thing as you, 2 course of antibiotics for suspected tonsilitus, nothing helping with my left tonsil swollen and lymph nodes all swollen on left side as well as a sore throat, mainly on the left side. One node is particular is really big and I can feel it pulsing under my jaw really strongly.I was seen by a different doctor who has now given me an urgent referral to ENT. I’m so worried and nervous as I have a gut feeling that something is wrong. Seeing as your symptoms sound so similar to mine I’m hoping you got a positive result and nothing sinister was found. 

  • Hiya, 

    So I’m a uni student, in freshers in September I kissed a few guys and what not, and got the “kissing disease”. I went to the doctors and they diagnosed it as tonsillitis. I complete the cycle of antibiotics, then within 3 days get tonsillitis back again. However for the second round, the antibiotics had a negative effect, swelling my tonsils and nodes to a point where I couldn’t breathe. After going back they prescribed me different medication and I got better. Within a few days, I received a cold from a flatmate, and again, was ill. So the tonsillitis was gone by the early weeks of October. It is now the end of December, and my tonsils are still swollen (and terribly scarred) and the nodes have been permanently swollen. Is this the same problem you had? I’ve been back to the doctors but they just say “give it time” however it’s been almost 2 months, and show no signs of deflating or going.

  • Hiya,

    Ok, first of all, don't panic! 

    I have HPV cancer of the tonsil which typically affects people in their 50s. I am 58. I have never had an HPV vaccine because it didn't exist then. You might have had one in the past few years. Check that out.

    Next, I have had a problem with losing my voice in January/February every year for a long time now, to the extent that I was sent for occupational health assessment at one point. I am an English teacher in a big city school and am exposed to all sorts of bugs. I also talk 100% of my working day, as you can imagine (and quite a lot in my spare time, it has to be said) so I tend to punish my throat a bit.

    So last year, tonsilitis wasn't a surprise and there was a suspicion of a quinsy. Eventually, there was no quinsy and only one tonsil went down. That was in February. Between February and October I saw three different practice doctors and my dentist and it was the fourth doctor who diagnosed a problem. My dentist is the real shocker here because she is the most thorough practitioner ever and she checks your glands and your jaw movement etc every time. If she didn't find my swollen glands then, in July, it's because my glands weren't swollen in July. All my doctors could see up till then was a swollen tonsil. My partner is angry that no one did more but I don't know how much more they could have been expected to do. All I can say is that when there was a possibility of cancer my health area care has been fantastic. 

    Have you explained your fears to your doctor? He can explain his reasons for waiting a little or offer an alternative course of treatment in the meantime. When you say kissing disease, that's what we used to call glandular fever or what Americans call mono, short for mononucleosis. Had that! Same as you, as a student! That can be a really debilitating thing; I had to repeat a year of study. If you had that in September you are bound to feel ropy. It takes a while to get well.

    I think you are being really hard on yourself. Remember you deserve to be looked after a bit and if you are the person responsible for that just now then be kind to yourself in little ways every day. Get your work done but if it is too much, go and see your advisor of studies. They want you to pass and can help you. Enjoy yourself but don't go out and cane it too often. Make new pals and do new things. 

    Ok, time to stop. Tomorrow is Hogmanay, time for celebrating and taking stock. Decide what you want to do, write down what you want to ask your doctor, then go out and have fun. Don't live in your tonsil's shadow! (Eh?) Let me know how you get on, and not just with your tonsil, either.

    Happy New Year when it comes!


  • Can I ask what the outcome was as I am going through the same as you at the moment!! 

  • hey omg literslly the exact same thing has happened to me ! are u still in this situation? if not what did u do to make it go away??

  • Hello I have had a rollercoaster of a few months too. I had a nervous breakdown then a very fast pulse and heart rate was referred by my gp doctor to hospital for suspected Sepsis and Tachycardia blood tests and ECG were done and was told there was a infection indicated from the blood tests but they did not know where.  I was treated in hospital for dehydration put on a drip and sent home later that day in the evening with antibiotics. I have had Multiple blood tests and 10 different antibiotics. I had mononucleosis EBV virus and chest infections and now tonsillitis and thyroid gland swollen bad brain fog. I suffer from anxiety panic attacks depression Hypothyroidism. high blood pressure and arythmias and Polycythemia blood disorder and for a guy at 32 it is very scary indeed I used to be so fit and now not so. Hang in there is what I will say to you it’s hard but you have to think positive and not negative things like saying to yourself I can get through this I can do anything I am strong does help.