Endometrial Cancer …

Tomorrow I go for my Hysteroscopy...

aged very nearly 50, post menopausal bleeding for over 6 months after no periods for number of years.  Feeling nervous but also confident it's nothing to worry about.  Have all the feelings of a period, pain, bleeding and moody... but the bleeding isn't regular or consistent.  Spotting to heavy, dark to light, agonising cramps to no pain at all...

any thoughts from someone who's had similar?  Recently lost my sons dad to cancer so fully aware of all the dos and songs with google etc but also would rather have upfront advice from someone who's been there 

  • I've been in your position twice now...first time had ultrasound, then a biopsy, then a hysteroscopy, and finally a hysteroscopy under a general to remove polyps which couldn't be removed as an outpatient because of where they were, all biopsies came back normal..huge relief..

    The second time was January this year, PMB again, followed the same procedure, ultrasound showed womb lining was slightly thicker than last time at 8mm, off I went for hysteroscopy and biopsy of womb lining (result was normal) which showed 3 polyps (again) this time they were to be removed by the Myosure procedure via hysteroscopy...all booked in, turned up on the day and my blood pressure was too high for them to proceed due to them using Adrenalin..GP increased BP meds and back I went, BP again high but the doctor managed the procedure by using something other than adrenaline.

    Roll on 6 weeks and I was still waiting for the polyp biopsy results, my anxiety was through the roof..started panicking when Secretary said I had to be discussed at MDT meeting as Mr Google brought up cancer every result where MDT was mentioned..

    Eventually after chucking my dummy out the pram last Friday the Secretary arranged for a nurse to ring me and she gave me my results over the phone prior to my appointment with the consultant tomorrow and whilst not clear, the results show precancerous cells, the treatment of which will be discussed with me tomorrow.  I will be asking for a hysterectomy once I've lost some weight as I can't be doing with going through this every few years..I suspect in the meantime they will give me a coil or tablets.

    It is such a worrying time and we are all told not to Google, but most of us do...then the mind goes into overtime.  We are also told not to worry but we are all going to do that as well.

    Keep in the forefront of your mind that most results come back normal and I hope that will be the case for you.

  • Thank you for your reply, so sorry you have gone through this so many times already!

    Hoping they are gentle and swift tomorrow and results come back rapidly... I've never been good at waiting ‍♀️

  • Had Hysteroscopy yesterday and they found large polyp so sample taken and have to go back for removal xxx