Endometrial cancer

I was diagnosed with early stage contained endometrial cancer. I had a full abdominal hysterectomy 10 days ago. I was told this would almost certainly be the only treatment necessary. However I was told after surgery that they found masses on both ovaries. I was shocked and to scared to ask many questions. I am frightened that I am going to be told now that the cancer spread, or maybe I have ovarian cancer. I'm fearing the worst, especially as they mentioned a mdt meeting. 

  • Hi Carrots60

    I hope that your recovery from the surgery is progressing well and I'm sorry to hear that you had some unexpected news afterwards. It's understandable that you're feeling shocked and scared at the moment.

    It would be fairly standard practice for your results to now be discussed at an MDT. This is where all the different teams who may be involved in your care will get together and talk about your results and diagnosis and what are the next best steps regarding treatment. It will mean that when you go to see the Consultant they should hopefully be able to answer lots of the questions that are running around in your head at the moment. 

    I'm not sure when your next appointment is but you might find it helpful to give our team of nurses a call in the meantime to talk things through with them. I'm sure that they'll be able to offer some support and reassurance and maybe even answer some of your questions. You can call them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    Keep in touch Carrots60 and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hiya I to have endometrial cancer just had a hysterectomy minevisva grade 3 when they operated on me he said he found something on my overies but it turned out not to be he told me I would probably be stage 3;but I went yesterday and only stage 1 it's all contained in the womb don't worry about the mdt meetings they have them on a regular basis it is all about your results bloods and what treatment options are right for you all the different people who are involved in your care discuss your case and decided the best for you good luck on your journey xxx