EC chemo


Hope you're all doing good. I start my chemo next week for breast cancer. Been mths of tests and now I'm here I'm so anxious. I obviously want to get started to try and get rid of this but it's fear of the unknown I guess!

Just wondering if anyone can reassure me or give me some top tips for getting through chemo.

Thank you!x

  • Hi Laurenren 

    I had my first EC session yesterday.

    Try not to worry the staff are all fantastic and go through everything with you although be warned there is alot to take in. When I arrived I had BP, height, weight, temp etc and was given strong anti sickness meds. That takes an hour then they started. Whilst having the first meds the nurse stayed with me to make sure all ok then the 2nd part I just chatted with lady next to me. 

    Got given a sarnie, tea and biscuits but you can take your own snacks in. Wear something comfy.

    I felt fine all through but did get a really bad headache later which is very common. I've had a fuzzy head today but that's all. 

    Hope this helps add me as a friend if you want to stay in touch during this fight it does help. 

    Best wishes 

    Louise x