Early symptoms of ovarian cancer

I have been to see my GP today after having had left pelvic pain for at least 7 months.  It started as a constant niggle/mild ache and I thought nothing of it.  The pain changed about a month ago to an intermittent throbbing/stabbing pain.  It was then that I thought something might be amiss as the pain had not gone away and had got worse. It has not yet quite reached the point where I need to take painkillers.

GP doesn't think it is anything serious and thinks the location of pain is below where the ovary is.  He said it was not a hernia and that stomach was soft and he could not feel any lumps etc.  I am 58 years old and post menopausal, I have also suffered from extreme triedness/fatigue for the last year or so.

GP said he would refer me for a scan and suggested I get a blood test next week and book an appointment for a pelvic examination. (I have had to delay the scan for 3 months as I am working away).


The only other possible symptoms I have are increased urination and a change in bowel habits.  I started a new job 6 months ago and put most of my symtoms down to that and stress.


I just wondered if there was anyone else on here that has experienced something similar?  The GP didn't mention cancer, I guess he is just following guidleines with regard to tests etc.  Should I be worried or does it all sound like nothing?

  • hey,

    Just saw your post and noticed how similar our symptoms are. 

    I told my dr about my symptoms 5 weeks ago she told me to have my smear done if my irregular bleeding and bloating continued to go back.

    smear results fine but severe bloating and hard lower stomach that doesn’t go, pelvic pain, urgent trips to the toilet and obvious change in bowels. As well as finding it impossible to eat more than a few mouthfuls. 

    In just a few months I have gone from a healthy size 8 with a high metabolism to a size 12 in trousers because of the swelling. 

    Dr listened to my symptoms, I’m only later 20’s so didn’t suspect OV just I just suggested possible cyst. She did exam there and then didn’t say much at all she sent referral for urgent ultrasound there and then and sent me to the hospital that day for bloods. 

    I looked up which bloods they were from the stickers and they were anything from tumour detecting to liver and kidney disease tests. 

    My appointment letter has arrived and it’s in a few days, the urgency has made me panic. 

    My dr also asked me if have history of breast and OV cancer in the family which I do so staying strong at the minute is pretty hard. 

    Obviously age is on my side and I’ve seen begign cysts it endometriosis can mimic OC so we have to stay positive . 

    Good luck on your journey I hope you stay strong and be brave xxx