Early retirement after cancer, has anyone else done this?

I'm 56 and have just had surgery for breast cancer which was caught early. I am waiting to start radiotherapy and went back to work today after being off for 3-weeks. I have been told I can expect a full recovery from this breast cancer but it has made me reevaluate things and I'm wondering whether I've had the gypsy's warning so to speak and should finish work while I'm healthy and relatively Young. I have some money saved in a pension which I could eek out until I get a state pension but it will mean cutting back on luxuries. I enjoy being at home and being a housewife but I have a relatively good job so the decision isn't straightforward. What are your thoughts on work and careers after a cancer diagnosis? Have any of you taking the plunge and retired? It's quandary to know what to do  I just don't want to waste my life at work when I'm I only have a short amount of time to do the things I want to do.

  • Hi Jane,

    I am 7 weeks post treatment for cervical cancer I have not had my follow scan so can't say if treatment has been successful or not. It was stage 2 grade 1 doctors very hopeful that I will have a positive outcome. 

    I am 55 and taking early retirement has crossed my mind, I am a civil servant so can take early retirement from 55 although I would lose 5% for every year taken before 60 so 25%. I also have a good income but could survive on pension as husband would still be working.

    I am due back to work next month, I am going to go back and review the situation over the next few months. Being diagnosed with cancer has made me look at life very differently work and money do not have the importance that I thought they did.

    Take care good luck with the treatment x


  • Hello,

    im 56 and took early retirement after a breast cancer diagnosis. I don't regret it one bit, I loved my job ( managing a care home) but it was too demanding after all my treatments. I had financial stability so the decision was made even easier....

    I hope you come to the right decision for you love ️ But life is short and sometimes you have to put yourself first xx

  • Hi 

    I'm 52, was diagnosed recently and thinking I need to stop work as I've been given 5 years.  Work just doesn't matter any more.  I am lucky as I have pensions and savings, although I'm not sure I'll be able to get at the pensions until I am 55.    Hubby is retiring in May 22 so that's the target after the school year (exams) finishes too.  
    My current concern is "how" to leave work.  I don't have any physical inhibitors to working.   I am not sure I could get signed-off sick by my GP.  But equally I want some privacy to my health situation.  As soon as I hand my notice in the standard questions will follow:  "what are your plans", "where are you going?".  If I said I was retiring people would say lots of nice things about it and be envious which is hardly the attention I need.  We still need to put our daughter through Uni.    And then there is the whole leaving do shenanigans, with well wishing, etc.   
    I could take an extended leave of absence perhaps.  And then "leave properly" or arrange an announcement when I feel ready for it. 
    I know that my employer has to make reasonable adjustments for my situation, but this is intended as a work enabler rather than the leaving experience!  

    Lots of options to think about.  Need to check what my contract says about sick leave/pay.  

    Oh and slightly related!  Due to the timescales and my pre-cancer plans, first thing I checked was the death-in-service benefits for my husband and kids (17 and 20).  5x salary.  Great, that will help everyone I thought.  Well that lasted just a few days, until current standpoint described above took hold LOL

  • Hi Jane, 

    Last time we chatted you were waiting for radiotherapy, I just wondered how much you had and how it went ? Did you make any decisions regarding work and have you started your hormone therapy yet? 

    Sorry for all the questions, I just wondered. I finally had my masectomy and diep reconstruction on 14/12 and my sentinel lymph nodes were taken then. Results apt scheduled for 24/01 by phone, so back to the waiting and hoping. 

    Virtual hugs Mickey xx ️

  • Hi Mickey 

    Happy New Year!

    I had my radiotherapy from 6th of December for 5-days. There's been a trial where you have a higher dose over a shorter period of time which has been adopted as standard. Better than the usual 3-weeks! All ok apart from some soreness which persists and some dry skin.

    With regard to work I haven't made any decisions as yet. Actually going back wasn't as bad as I thought so I don't want to make any knee *** reactions and quit my job. Hubby and I have bought some land and have some plans to run a business from it so we'll see what happens there. Life has pretty much return to normal and I'm just getting on with things. I'm doing a moving on course with breast cancer now on 24th of January. I feel I need it as as I do have constant fear of the Cancer returning not helped by losing another friend to cancer recently.

    How are you anyway? Are you happy with your reconstruction and is it healing ok? Hope everything goes ok with your appointment, keep in touch.

    Jane xx 



  • Hi JaneRu

    I too was wondering how you were as very similar to you at 57 with early BC successfully treated by surgery and just about to have 5 sessions of RT. On Anastrozole and that is going OK so far. I've signed up for 6 sessions of counselling for the same reasons as you. So similar and like you I've been reflecting on what this means for me going forward

    I am still working and could finish as have a occupational pension from previous long employment that I could live on ( I changed roles after 30 years a couple of years ago) but have decided to continue for now and re evaluate at each anniversary of my commencement date which is towards the end of the year. This will also coincide with my annual screening and enable my 3 month notice period to take me to the end of the financial year so does align nicely ! My partner had to take illhealth retirement unexpectedly last year and is still doing battle with their pension  after 37yrs service so that is still up in the air which is a factor too 

    It's interesting to hear where you got to decision wise. This is such a life changing experience and I'm fortunate that I have options as that is not always the case. I also enjoy my job but I am mindful my mindset may continue to change 

    Best wishes xx

  • Hi Jane, 

    Happy New Year back to you, sorry I missed that! 

    Was the trial for 5 consecutive days then? What did you use on your skin afterwards? I'm sorry it's still a bit sore and dry though and I hope that wears off soon. 

    I'm glad going back to work wasn't as bad as you thought and I know what you mean about knee **** reactions, but like you say this has been a life changing journey and We won't ever be totally who we were before. That can be a positive though. Like you though, I'm scared for the possible reoccurrence/unwelcome return and also suffered a close bereavement from cancer (secondary) this New Year, which hits the reality home again. 

    I'm really pleased with the outcome of the operation, obviously, it wasn't on my to do list, but the plastic surgeon has done a really good job and for me the fact that I have a cleavage still helps me deal with it all much more positively. I know we're all different, but this rollercoaster really makes me appreciate the little things that help me cope and make me smile and laugh again.  Four weeks tomorrow since my op and I haven't had any problems with my reconstructed boob - I've had a bit of tummy Seroma and a part of that wound hasn't healed properly that secretes a bit of gunky looking fluid, but it's regularly checked (again today) and it should heal in another week or so I've been told.  I'm doing far better than I expected and have no regrets about the little choices I did get to make around reconstruction. 

    Have you started your hormone therapy now? 

    Lovely to hear back from you and please keep in touch too. 

    Mickey xx ️

  • Ps: the moving on from cancer course sounds great - I didn't know about that xx ️

  • Hi Mickey,

    I didn't do the moving on course. I was sent a link to join the BCN Website and set up log in details. From there I just couldn't fathom what to do so gave up. I'm going to call them on Monday to get on another although don't think it's what I imagined i.e. a group of ladies listening to someone giving a presentation then questions. I'll let you know when I find out. 

    Take care 



  • Hi Jane, 

    Thanks for updating me about the moving on course. I've seen it advertised a bit in brochures I've been given lately including the radiotherapy one.  I've been wondering if it's worth booking on after I've completed radiotherapy. 

    Good luck calling them tomorrow and I'll be very interested to hear about the content of the course if they give you more detail. Also your experience if you decide to do it Jane. 

    Happy Sunday, have a great day. 

    Love Mickey xx ️