Early Diagnosis vs Long queue for treatment

We are all told that early diagnosis of cancer hugely increases the chance of survival, health professionals and the government tell us this every day.

A patient has concerns about their health they contact their GP for an appointment. Then:

Two weeks pass you see the GP luckily your GP picks up on symptoms very early on, suspects cancer and quickly refers the patient to hospital for further investigation. Then:

Two to four weeks  pass till you get an appointment at the hospital. Then:

Two to four weeks pass till you get results / diagnosis. Then:

Four weeks pass before your first treatment.

An agressive cancer can progress from curable to incurable in this timeframe.

  • Hi Kim,

    I share your frustration about this - especially as the average length of time from first GP appointment to treatment has started to lengthen over the past twelve months. 

    In my case, I lacked most of the usual symptoms of Osophageal Cancer - no unexplained weight loss, no chronic fatigue, no difficulty swallowing and the symptoms I had abated with the use of over the counter remedies such as Gaviscon. That resulted in me being initially misdiagnosed and put on a non-cancer care pathway, with even longer timescales. No wonder I was at stage 4 by the time I was correctly diagnosed! 

    Ideally, the NHS would have sufficient resources to deliver within much shorter timescales but the way things are going I predict the referral to treatment timescales will worsen over the coming years unless we somehow make politicians of all parties sit up and listen. We need to shame them into doing the right thing. This isn't a party political issue for me as Labour's spending plans for the NHS weren't significantly different from the Conservative's plans. 

    I don't work for CRUK, though I have started doing some voluntary work, there is some useful information elsewhere on this site which I recommend to anyone (like me) who has a vested interest in improving the situation. www.cancerresearchuk.org/.../campaign-for-us


    Best wishes