Dreading colonoscopy as I've had a hysterectomy

I'm due to have a colonoscopy shortly as I had abnormal cells. The screening nurse told ne it might have more risks because I had a hysterectomy. I have been reading about this and it seems its more complex and painful due to adhesions. Has anyone any experience of colonoscopy after hysterectomy? I don't need terrible horror stories and only experiences of people who had previous abdominal surgery or hysterectomies please. I'm quite worried. 

  • Hi Frankie51,

    Hopefully a member with some experience could share their thoughts. We have some information here, which explains some of the risks after the test, but it might be good to speak to a nurse in case there are ways you can prepare beforehand.

    Try not to worry and I hope your nurse will make things as comfortable as possible. 

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia


  • I had one and I’m here to tell the tale. 

  • Thank you riley roo. You did set my mind at rest! 

    It was painful as they discovered I had diverticulitis, only found 1 polyp so I feel I can cope with the diverticulitis. But so glad I had  the procedure as I can change my diet. Thank you for your response

  • Hope you’re OK. Diverticulitis can be pretty unpleasant, my boss at work has it and he has spells of being very unwell altho I doubt his alcohol intake helps. 

  • Hi, I had a total hysterectomy 3 years ago and recently had to have a colonoscopy. The consultant anticipated that I would find it uncomfortable so opted for a sigmoidoscopy instead to be followed by a ct colonoscopy.

    i had also previously had abdominal surgery when they used fat from my stomach for a breast reconstruction so I had scar tissue from that too.

    I am so glad he went for the sigmoidoscopy as I found it very uncomfortable. I wouldnt say it was painful but I did find it horribly uncomfortable when they reached the scar tissue as it made me feel sick and faint as well as feeling that I was going to have a bowel movement.

    they did discover diverticulosis (thankfully not diverticulitis) and also took a couple of biopsies of an inflamed colon - I felt nothing when they did those.

    Thankfully the CT scan is far less intrusive than the sigmoidoscopy as I still have that to look forward to.

    my experience seems to be far worse than my husband’s who had the full colonoscopy and a female relative who hadn’t had a hysterectomy. The consultant explained that it would be the scar tissue and the fact that I had had the hysterectomy that accounted for the uncomfortable experience.


  • My wife had a hysterectomy many years ago, and a couple of years ago she had a colonoscopy.  No one raised any concerns about the prior hysterectormy during discussions about the colonscopy.  As it turns out, the colonoscopy went without a hitch. 

  • I have had a hysterectomy 10 years ago.. I had to have a colonoscopy yesterday and had opted for sedation and if needed gas.. it was so painful I almost had to stop it totally.. I have a high pain threshold and have run races with broken ankles etc but this was ridiculous. The sedation didn't work and the gas I swear wasn't turned on.. diverticulosis was the diagnosis, the only way this would ever be repeated is if I was anaesthetised fully. 

  • Hi this was my experience yesterday cris6166 are you ok now? I'm terribly worried about internal perforations or other damage as I have alot of adhesions xx

  • Hi katrina.. I was offered a colonoscopy after doing a bowel cancer NHS test at home which you can have if your over 50.. It came back inconclusive. I like you did not like the risks involved I also have had a hysterectomy and have adhesions so due to my age 69 I refused it. If it had been under strong sedation I might have chose yes but the risk of perforation and if it was painful I felt if you couldn't keep still while it was going on that would be a hazard. I had a friend who had one a few months back and she sailed through it so it's your choice. If I had been younger then I would have definately have had it. My age was a big factor.. All the best..
  • Hi. I  had a very painful experience today having a colonoscopy. I  had a hysterectomy 22 years ago. I too was given gas and air and sedation, neither of which seemed to give any relief whatsoever. I also feel I have a high pain threshold. Afterwards I was told how adhesions from the hysterectomy could make the procedure painful. Like you, I wouldn't go through this again without being anethetised.