Don’t know how to feel,

My dad just died yesterday after battling a grade 4 brain tumour for 10 months, he was 53 and I’m 17, making me the 2nd oldest of 4 children in my family. When I really really think about my dad and how he’s not coming back I get so overwhelmed with sadness that I feel like I can’t breathe but other than that it’s just a numb feeling, I feel as though it’s not real and he’s going to come through the front door at any minute. Is it normal to feel like this? 


  • Hi amy the answer to your question is yes it is normal to feel that way they say we go through five stages of grief but eliebeth kubler ross who said this later said not everyone goes through it in the same order so just try and get through one day at a best advice to you is there is a bereavment helpline call cruz its its free the numbers on the internet ring them it sometimes hard to get through as so many use it but you will get through .just tell them you have lost your dad and they will chat to you and explain your feelings they are very kind and helpful your so young and its so early for you your emotions will all over the place ime much older and i was same as you .ime so sorry your going through all this ime so sorry .paul