Do I have lymphoma? I'm so scared

Hi everyone, 

I have just gone been to the doctors for a full blood test , I have no 'lumps' but I have lost 1stone this month without trying , decrease appetite, general feeling unwell most of the time and I have started getting pain in my neck and ears after consuming even a tiny bit of alcohol, I am 31 non smoke mummy to three amazing children , my youngest is only 6 months , I'm so scared , please advise me , I can't talk to my husband as he is really stressed with work, Does this sound typical of lymphoma? What are the chances of a diagnoses from blood test results? 

Any support or advice is really greatfully received , I'm desperate,

Thank you 

  • Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with lymphoma, I found a lump on my neck and went to the doctor. It was quite hard and painless. I had a few night sweats and lost my appetite which in turn made me lose weight.  I also had another enlarged lymph node under my arm. Your doctor would send you for a biopsy. If he was concerned, I know it's hard to say don't worry but there are a lot of tests before a final diagnosis is made. The waiting is the worst bit, the next step is for your gp to send you to an ENT consultant if he is worried. Take care 

  • Hello just wanted to pop in. I had hodgkins lymphoma Stage 4b four years ago... Some symptoms that u explain were similar but myself suffered from uncontrollable bed sweats within 10mins of being in it, itching in and out of a bath, the weight loss was gradual over 18mnths.. Insomnia but put that down to the stress as I always say to people you know your own body as I went 18months of high inflammatory blood results but no action an inconclusive needle biopsy only to be told it was a hernia.. Given 35% chance remission I'm still here.. Ensure you push your GP's for answers.. Always here x

  • I don't have any enlarged lymph nodes that I know of , I'm exhausted all the time , it's ruining my life , Docs say bloods are fine , no further action, what do I do ?? Xx

  • Hi Lola

    I'm not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.

    With no blood issues found, no lumps, no night sweats, I think you can stop worrying about lymphoma. 

    I think you're tired because you're looking after your husband, who's stressed at work, and three children, one of whom is just an infant.  That's four people you're looking after, but who's looking after you? My guess is no-one, not even you.  You can only run on an empty tank for so long, then it all comes crashing down and your body craves the rest it needs. 

    I see you're a non-smoker, which is great, but I would urge you not to overdo the caffeine, and if alcohol causes pain then that's the body telling you that it doesn't need alcohol right now. If possible, reorganise the household so that you can get as much uninterrupted sleep as you can, with no caffeine, no phones, no social media after 6pm, and no TV after 10pm. 

    If you can afford it, then you might find a course of acupuncture (6-8 sessions) helpful, too. 

  • I just realised the doctor called me at 2pm and left a voicemail (I didn't even see this) she has asked I contact her asap !! The surgery is now closed until Monday ... I feel sick ️ 

  • Doctors almost never leave actual messages on voicemail. They always ask you to contact the surgery. Neither you nor I know what the doctor wanted to say, so you'e simply assuming the worst and panicking. Looking at it logically, nothing has changed: your bloods are still clear, you don't have night sweats, no lumps, and you're still a non-smoker.  You can either worry about this all weekend, or you can simply take things day by day, speak to the surgery on monday, and then if (and only if) it's unpleasant news, start panicking. 

  • I don't think doctors call at all if bloods are clear though do they ? I think it's more likely that the first conversation with the secretary was most likely Incorrect and I was given incorrect information, Any way,either way I now have a weekend of worry , I know I most likely sound like a petulant child but I am so scared , I red lot really  am and I have no one in the 'real' world to talk to  

  • Sorry, Lola, but you're now allowing your imagination to run riot.  There is no reason at all to think that you've received incorrect information.

    The fact is that you don't know why the doctor phoned, and neither do I. You can speculate more and more crazy scenarios all weekend. Or you can make a conscious effort to calm down, drive these wild speculations out of your thoughts, and find out on monday what the doctor wanted. 

  • I'm have a lump and have my appointment on Monday with ENT,  I'm extremely worried, my mind has gone into overdrive and I definately thinking the worse. I totally understand where your coming from.

    But telemando is right, please dont worry this weekend, i know its hard but you have no lumps, and other symptoms.  My doctor has phoned me before sending me into panic mode, but he just wanted to confirm that everything was ok about some ultra sound results as he knew I was panicking.

    I hope this help x

  • I'm new to all this but letting myself get really worked up and worried 

    So long story but basically I have been generally really unwell like really bad fitigue muscle pain etc for about a year also had abnormal blood the whole time wbc always high

    About 7 months ago I have a really bad cause of tonsillitis and my neck began to swell on one side... It has never gone down and now I have high wbc crp and lymphocites are up as well

    Been urgently referred to ent and already had a chest x-ray cancer has been mentioned by me doctor and also the possibility of them doing a biopsie