Do i have cancer?

I am 18 years old and have been suffering from swollen tonsils for nearly a year ( one is much larger than other ) and have been prescribed antibiotics for tonsillitis that haven't worked. I recently found a swollen lymph node under my jaw on the left side that feels rubbery and changes in size getting bigger and then back smaller ( this has been there around a month ). I generally dont have any throat pain or fever and if i do its very mild. I am so scared and cant stop googling does any body know anything about these symptoms at all? Thanks.

  • I noticed this is your first post with us, Mrtk, so I wanted to stop by to say hello and welcome you to Cancer Chat.

    I can appreciate why you're worried about having cancer but 'Dr. Google' is known for being a terrible physician, so do try to stop yourself from looking up symptoms online if you can, there is a lot of unverified information out that that only serves to make matters worse. The only one who would be able to advise in such matters is your GP so if you haven't called them yet perhaps it's a good idea to do so when you find a moment.

    I hope all goes well for you, Mrtk, and that what is causing your tonsils to swell turns out to be nothing serious.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator