Do dentists make referrals?

Hello, I just wanted to know how well a dentist can spot tongue cancer and if they make referrals? I am back at the dentist tomorrow for a red sore on the side of my tongue panicking it's cancer because it's been there for 3 weeks. Occasionally it hurts, and when it doesn't the top of my tongue and roof of the mouth has a burning tingling sensation. I have a pea size lump in my neck, awaiting ultrasound results and I have lost a stone in weight since September!! I am also waiting for blood results for diabetes, this would be a much easier result to deal with than cancer! Can anyone speak from experience?? Thankyou x


edit::: I have just read up on diabetes, I'm not sure if I'd prefer any of these diagnoses ‍♀️

  • Hi Mumma123.

    My understanding is that dentists can make referrals.  Dentists will often be the first medically trained people to spot a potential mouth problem, and will definitely be clued up on oral cancer. 

    Over the years, I've made appointments to see my dentist when I've found something unusual in my mouth.  Fortunately, these have all been nothing to worry about.  However, each time the dentist has identified whatever it is, given it a long Latin name, and given me advice about how to speed up healing. 

  • Hi telemando, 

    thankyou for replying to my concern. That gives me great reassurance! Fingers crossed for my appointment. I did see the dentist 2 weeks ago for same issue and she wasn't concerned so hopefully will be the same outcome, just don't want to be fobbed off! 

  • Hello again 

    I visited the dentist again today, she is not concerned at all about my tongue, says it all looks normal. She said if I want a second opinion to go to my doctor but she has no concerns at all. Says the burning tingling could be from having gingivitis. Well who knows ay! X

  • Hello, 

    I feel like I'm back to square one! When I left the dentist that day 2 weeks ago, I felt like a weight lifted..."I have no concerns of oral cancer" was the best sentence I had heard. Of course she told me that smoking increases my risk.... I get that. I also went to my GP(or a different doctor, I'm not keen on) he took a quick look from a distance with a torch said nothing wrong, deal with the sensations. It has got better in a way, but I can't shift the feeling of there being something wrong! Sometimes I feel like there is a lump at the back of my tongue near my tonsil, like there's food stuck. The only time I get pain is if I am rubbing my back teeth on my tongue. I'm just terrified that the dentist or doctor has missed something. Is this likely to happen. I don't have a dentist as such, this was an emergency dentist but Iv seen her 3 times since the new year. God I hate anxiety.. I do have another phone appointment with the doctor Friday cos I cant seem to move on until I know what's causing these sensations!! Sorry for the long rant again :(