Do benign tumours always grow?

Hi guys,

My post got some anger on reddit due to it technically not being "cancer" so please say if it's the same here. 

At about 13 I started suffering from absence seizures after telling my mum I was having weird feelings for years. It turns out the weird feelings were "auras" (warning feelings).

I was choked by my cord at birth which caused lack of oxygen to the brain and after the seizures started we found that I have a grade 2 astrocytoma brain tumour in the left frontal lobe. We put it down to the choking.

The tumour was expected to grow during puberty and kill me (I wasn't told this then) due to physical growth with the body but it didn't grow at all, it didn't even change in shape.

Now at 29 my seizures at the lowest they've been since they've even started and I just go for an MRI scan once a year to check on things but it's never interested me much. I guess as it was my mums "job" when I was a kid I never really listened or cared much for it. Go for the scan, all good? Ok see ya.

So it's now been 16-17 years since the tumour was found, upto 23 years since the auras started and potentially 29 full years since the tumour's even been there if it's down to being choked at birth. It's not changed in size at all since being found.

Surgery has been discussed in the past but as of now "the risk outweighs the benefits". I'm a healthy guy getting on fine in life and it's not needed. I guess if it grew they'd ask again. I'm "safe" as far as they're concerned.

My question is do they always even grow? Or do they "grow" so slowly that they technically "don’t" grow? Or can they just not grow at all?


  • Hello Kreme541, 

    It's absolutely no problem for you to post here so a warm welcome to our forum! But as we are a cancer forum, perhaps it would be best for you to contact The Brain Tumour Charity as they will have detailed information on both malignant and benign tumours and will therefore be able to help you more with your query. You can find out more about The Brain Tumour Charity here

    I hope this helps a little! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator