
I'm now terminal.would like advice on diet

  • Hi there .. so sorry you got that diagnosis .. cancer sucks ... 

    I've just been on marrie Currie site .. they have lots of different info on there ... I was really surprised just how much they offer on there ... they care for us when given a terminal diagnosis .. and carers too .. give at a try .. and would love to know if you find ithelpfull .. Chrissie x

  • Helo. Just to let you know. There are some of us out there who are surviving, and demanding all medical treatment, and still getting by. I was told there was little chance of me living for very long at all (in July 2011 the median for my cancer was estimated at 6 months). My cancer is/was throughout both lungs and liver...etc. I have followed a pretty good diet regime, alongside my medical treatment, and I'm still here and relatively fit. Please do contact me if you feel like it. I like to tackle things in a pretty positive way and, 7 years on I am continuing to live life to the full. And I am stubbornly rejecting the "death cenario". So far so good :D

    I look forward to chatting to you sometime :) x

  • So glad to know that.i believe in same.but i do nothing about diabetic also did nothing to control a waste case.

  • Hello Irondas,

    You are not a "waste case" -certainly not! Because you absolutely do care don't you or you wouldn't reply on here. And I care too.

    I was nearly 20 stone and ate all the rubbish in the world when my journey started. I hated myself, and I hated my own weakness. After my scan results yesterday what did I do? I sat and cried, because I have struggled to follow a good lifestyle recently and I have put on weight again. I am feeling really low and tired. But I know I've done it all before and I can start again.

    Back in 2011 (after first, appalling, metastatic diagnosis) I began to tackle things really gently. The first thing I had to do was to forgive myself for my life of eating and drinking too much and to move forward using each day as a new start.

    Most of all I had to learn to be kind to myself, to talk to myself gently as I would speak to my best friend. And accept that a life time of bad habits don't change over night.

    If you would like to contact me about the things I do that help to give me hope and focus you are most welcome. Perhaps my ideas may help a bit? And it is good to have company isn't it. You can also find me on Facebook, instagram (food) and twitter.

    Yesterday my scan results were good again, but I'm still struggling. Why? Maybe some sort of depression? I don't know, but I have to tackle it head on and with kindness.

    All the very best to you Irondas, I look forward to hearing from you.