Diep reconstruction - has anyone changed their mind?

Has anyone changed their mind about reconstruction after mastectomy?

I had right masectomy and lymph node removal in Dec 2019

A year ago I felt strong enough and determined enough to have a Diep reconstruction 

The assessment is coming up as I have been waiting a year for the op.

A few of my friends say yes, I would go ahead but my older sister is adamant that because of my age, I am 70

that the op is too invasive and long,  6-8 hours in surgery and I will need looking after and recovery 6-8 weeks at least. I do have a partner who is very good and able to look after in between his work.

My sister thinks if I were 50 or 60 maybe but at 70?

I know age doesn't come into it but I'm sure it will  be a longer recovery

My other alternative is to have the lumpy skin under my arm where the lymph nodes were removed tidied up and my left breast made smaller to make myself more even. I do so hate wearing prosthesis and looking uneven in clothes.

I realise it is my decision, has anyone else changed their mind.

I am so conscience of wasting medical staff time and need to be clear in my head.

Any replies gratefully received!


  • I think only you know which is the way to go & be happy with your choice. I recently had a lumpectomy with reduction and am very pleased with the result. It is smaller & has one obvious scar which is improving in colour & tenderness. No lymph nodes under my arm were affected. I AM 66. Be confident you will make a decision that is right for you.


    Hi Silverdays,

    This is another awkward question and really one that only you can decide, as it is you who have to live with the decision. I am sure that your consultant wouldn't have offered this option, if s/he didn't feel confident that you are healthy enough to undergo such lengthy surgery.

    Write down a list of questions for the consultant, outlining all of the concerns that you have and take it to your next consultation. Recovery is not that long in the bigger scheme of things. 

    As you know, I have had 2 bouts of cancer. The second resulted in a double mastectomy. My consultant and I did discuss the possibility of reconstruction at the beginning of my journey, but advised that it would need to be done retrospective to my surgery. I have previously stopped breathing under anaesthetic and my tummy was not a suitable donor option, due to scarring from a previous non cancer related surgery. It was obvious that although he would operate to reconstruct my breasts, he was not keen. I now require fibre-optic intubation for any surgical procedure and eventually decided that it wasn't worth the risk. I am older than you and have a host of additional health problems, so this was an easier decision for me. I agree that using a prosthesis is not ideal and is more problematic when you have only had the one breast removed.

    I'm sorry that I can't help you with this. Whatever decision you make, I hope that it's the right one for you. Do please let us know what you eventually decide.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for the reply Jolamine

    I was sure to go ahead until a text from my sister advising against it. With Diep you are cut from hip to hip and fat taken from a flap in your stomach and then a breast formed and connected by the blood vessels. So there are 2 sites to heal. And the recovery from a long anethesia. Women do get through it and there is generally a good outcome though. I will also need a lot of looking after.  It may also involve further remedial surgery later. So not a decision to be taken lightly! My assessment is on Valentines Day so I must be completely happy with my decision. I do feel fortunate to be offered such major surgery on the NHS The nurses are so positive and think I am a good candidate. But also my home life changed as  my son is now living with us so I have 2 men in the house  which is not so peaceful as just the two of us. He will be moving on soon but not sure when! 
    For you with other health problems and stopping breathing under anaesthetic, that's so scary and so the only decision. 

    Cancer just keeps on giving.... at least I am still on the planet and in a position to make decisions. Some of the posts on here are heartbreaking... x 

  • This is a very personel decision its for you not for anyone else ,its how you feel when you imagine it once its done and you've healed no matter how long it takes ,I'm sure you'll feel more confident and enjoy wearing nice clothes more than you do now its something you are doing for yourself not for anyone else ,at 70 why should you feel any different than someone aged 40 as women we all like to look and feel attractive at any age ,as others have said it really is your decision ,so do you take this chance of soon having the opportunity or do you forget about it and just carry on as you are ,I'm not as old as you but if it were me I would do it ,its great to think at 70 we can still have these things and not be written off ,best Wishes from me whatever you decide .

  • Yes, you are right age shouldn't come into it, although being older takes more of a toll, more tired. My lovely breast nurse phoned me today and said look at it like an investment and when you've healed you can feel like you are back together again. Also there are younger people with more health issues than me and the doctors would have decided if I am a good candidate to cope with this op. She said write down as many questions as poss when you see the consultant surgeon. 
    Thanks for the reply, I am grateful to have a positive opinion 



    Hi Silverdays,

    Whether the donor site is from your back or your tummy, you have two sites to heal. So long as you have had no problems with healing in the past, you shouldn't have any bother. Having your son at home should mean that you'll have two men to lcare for you after surgery!

    We are indeed very fortunate to be offered such complex surgery on the NHS. I hope that you get the answers you want from your consultant on Valentine's Day. Make sure that you are fully informed before you decide.

    I shall be thinking of you on 14th and hope that the discussion then helps you to reach a decision that you'll be happy with.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx