Diagnosis confusion

Firstly, hello to anyone who will take the time to read this. I'm new

I just needed some clarification if someone is able to provide from experience. My mum went for an ultrasound on Friday morning, she then spoke to my sister and I telling us they had found a 10cm tumor on her right kidney; cancer was what she had been told. Now, I'm not an expert but would a sonographer be able to give this diagnosis? I'm not sure whether she was referred directly to a consultant after the ultrasound but apparently it is being treated as urgent. It just seems to me, all the research I have been doing suggests your results go to the specialist and they call you in, or you receive a phone call from your GP.

I guess I'm just a little confused, shocked and everything else in between. Please share if anyone has had/knows someone who has had a similar experience.

Thanks in advance. 


P. S do bigger tumours suggest spreading? 

  • Hello 

    what an awful time for you all. I’m wondering if the clinic in which your mum had her scan is a combined clinic where the consultant and sonography work together. One does the scan then your mum may have moved straight to the consultants room with the result. My mum had a similar experience with a breast mammogram  in a “one stop shop kind of clinic “ she went on to see the consultant about 15 mins later with the result already available.

    i imagine your mum may have seen a specialist nurse as they are often in these clinics to help answer any questions your mum may have had? I don’t know but I don’t think the size of tumour is related to if it has spread. Your mum may need additional scans to assess if it’s the kind that spreads. I imagine you are thinking about all sorts of scenarios right now which must be very scary and distressing. It’s that awful waiting game of scans and results and appointments.

    i really hope your mum does well , I’m sure she is in good hands.