Diagnosed with lung cancer

My mom has been coughing since December and whilst she was in India they did some X-ray and PET scans and found lymph nodes on upper underarm and shoulders/ chest Area and they said it's probably breast cancer Since she had it in 1999 but after coming to England mid  February the Breast cancer department took over 2 /3 weeks to come back with results that she has lung cancer and now we are waiting for them.

But she is coughing none stop how can I go about reaching someone or what can she take for the cough whilst waiting for lung oncology appointment 


  • Hi and welcome ... sorry can't answer your question, but hopefully "ask the nurses" may pick it up soon and be able to help ... take care ... x

  • Hi SuePa and welcome to the forum. 

    I'm sorry no-one was able to get back to you in time but I hope you were able to get in touch with someone to find something for your mum to take to help her with her cough whilst she waited for her lung appointment. If you do find yourself in a similar situation in the future your mum's GP or medical team will always be the best port of call as they will have access to her medical history and as a result be in the best position to advise on what she can or cannot take.

    I'm not sure if your mum is still waiting for her appointment but if she is I hope she doesn't have too much longer to wait and if she has had it, I hope it went as well as could be given the circumstances.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator