Diagnosed with lobular cancer today

Hi guys ,today was a hard day and alot to take in,my recent biopsy has confirmed that I have cancer in one breast ,I'm having an MRI next Tues, surgery booked in for August,I have to decide what I want to do ,my mind is all over the place ,after getting thyroid cancer and having a TT,a couple of years ago ,I didn't think it would happen again but here we are,any advice please ladies?I feel very lost,xx

  • Hello, oh I am sorry it's hit again! You know the drill by now so you know it will work out, just wish there was a fast forward button.

    what ( if any) coping mechanisms got you through the first bout? I was diagnosed Dec 2019 , all I was able to do was put one foot in front of the other...trying my best not to look too far ahead...difficult I know! 
    good luck for the MRI....if you get a chance pop in and let us know how it goes? 

  • Hi,thank you,

    Last time was music,reading and sleeping ,it's left me with fibromyalgia,sciatica and a few other issues unfortunately,but I was doing ok until this yesterday,.

    I know I'll be looked after ,it was just such a shock !

    Have you had the lobular cancer?are you ok?,hugs

  • Hi,

    mine was ductal carcinoma...the treatments knocked me for six, my concentration levels were diabolical....what actually got me through was watching carry on films! I didn't need any concentration for those..lol... I wanted comfort from my dog but sadly she didn't come anywhere near me during chemo...but a few weeks after my last cycle she started approaching me...huh! 

    It did help that I didn't read any of the paperwork ref the chemo regimen, my husband read it all and would answer any questions I had...I tend to catastrophise everything, it's only in the last couple of months that I read through it all...


    do you have anyone at home to keep an eye on you? Xx

  • Oh bless you ,no,my partner is self employed and works ridiculous hours ,one of my daughter's lives about ten mins drive away,she can pop in ,I'm looking to get a cleaner for a few weeks just to do the heavier jobs ,bed change etc,and I have plenty of dvds when the time comes .

    I think I'm still in shock to be honest!xx

  • Yes, it needs a lot of time to sink in, I went through the " why me" phase for months....I was fit and healthy, non drinker,non smoker, vegetarian....cancer is a b I t c h ! Then I went through the angry phase...you go through all the emotions don't you....I think my overall reaction was it felt like an outer body experience....surely this horrible thing wasn't happening to me! They've got it wrong...it's someone else! Even being wheeled into surgery was surreal, it didn't feel like me at all....and every chemo cycle was surreal....I'd be sitting in the waiting room and think, I shouldn't be here...all these people have cancer! I just couldn't wrap my head around it at all....even now I look back and think...crikey...did I really do all that? If someone had predicted this for me years ago I would have put money on me collapsing with grief, anger and think I wouldn't be capable of doing any of it...but here I am.....you've trodden this road before and its horribly unfair you have to tread it again...but you will, day by day, you'll get through it...there is no other option...get the surgery ticked off first, don't look beyond that...


    Here if you need to chat love ️ 

  • Yes you do ,and people say ,you look so well,which is lovely when you feel awful it can get abit tedious though!,they say thyroid cancer is the good cancer ,I really don't agree ,I'm not who I was by a long shot ,but I'm still here .

    I just hope mine is cut out and gone in August as I'm so scared it will spread,

    Thank you for chatting I do appreciate it,and the same for you ,you can chat to me to xxx

  • Oh the old " you look well " chestnut! I could have seriously slapped people with that one.


    Cancer does change you, there's no doubt about it. Yours will be cut out with clear margins....I remember saying to my surgeon as I went in for the anaesthesia..." don't be concerned about conserving my boob, take as much out as humanly possible " 

    I would love to know how you get on ️

  • Hi Elsielou

    I was diagnosed with lobular cancer 6th March & operation 18 th March 

    Clear margins & no spread to lymph nodes so was expecting 4 weeks radiotherapy however pathology report came back Her2+ so 8 cycles of chemo 

    Truly mentally struggled when I was told chemo 

    I am4 cycles down of 8

    Take one day at a time - bloody hard but only way 


  • Hi Jackie ,I'm so sorry ,I've been given the option of mastectomy or the other thing ,name escapes me at the min,I'm leaning towards mastectomy and reconstruction,I will just worry my life away if I don't (I think)the consultant said to see what MRI throws up as they want to know what else is shown as the mammogram only could show a suspicious area as well ,I really hope you are ok !?